Thursday 12 September 2013

Mapperton House & Gardens, Dorset

I thoroughly enjoyed walking around this garden as it has such a great combination of formal and wild

I like especially these Livingstone daisies growing out of the walls 

The garden is set in it's own valley which always adds to lush vegetation

The Orangery

The Ice House

The West front of the House
An Elizabethan house enlarged in the 1660's
It is now the home of The Earl and Countess of Sandwich and harks back to the restoration of Charles II when the first Earl of Sandwich brought the King back from Holland 

Before leaving we paid a visit to The Sawmill Cafe in the grounds where the old saw machine is still standing

The ceiling is draped with a shamiana, an Indian wedding tent that was designed especially for Mapperton.
Needed to get this post off as we are away for a few days at our House Church weekend retreat. We have extended our trip by booking into a luxury bed and breakfast near Rye
for 2 nights
I cannot remember when I last had a cold so not very thrilled at going down with a sore throat, cough and cold 2 days before


  1. I like the layered look of the terraces in this garden. Lots of interesting levels.

    Hope you have a good time at your retreat and your cold soon disappears.

  2. That looks like a wonderful garden for exploring and I like the way it is slightly overgrown, daisies on the steps, and so forth. I like that look in a garden. Thank you for giving us a second look at the amazing canopy (wedding tent). I noticed it right away in the first photo and immediately wanted to see more. It's gorgeous.

    I'm sorry you are not feeling well; and pray it does not put too much of a damper on your time away which I know you've been looking forward to.

  3. Beautiful garden and paths...always fun to take a closer look to find people, paths, and flowers that didn't show up so well in a smaller format.

  4. Oh...just caught that last paragraph...sorry about the cold and hope that your remedies help you feel better.

  5. Oh dear. I hope you are feeling fine now, Barbara.
    I have been trying to decide which I prefer, the more formal parts of the garden or the wild side. It's all beautiful. I could spend DAYS wandering about there. Thanks for the visit.

  6. Thanks for another lovely and interesting, post, Barbara! I'm praying you will be well!!
    Gracie xx

  7. What a peaceful setting! The gardens are so pretty.

    Feel better soon!

  8. The grounds there are wonderful. It would be a pleasant place to spend hours and hours in. I am hoping you feel better for your weekend away.

  9. This is a nice mix of formal and casual gardening. I loved the walls and fences and steps.

  10. Wow Barbara! What an eyefull! Don't know when I have seen so much beauty.
    Thank you so much for sharing your adventures with us.
    Blessings, Trisha

  11. It looks lovely. I do like walled gardens. I also like the planting on the steps.

  12. This was so interesting and beautiful!! Someday I am going to go to Dorset!!

  13. What beautiful gardens. Your pictures are really good. Take care of yourself Barbara & I hope your cold is better soon.

  14. Beautiful gardens! I hope you feel better soon and enjoy your vacation!

  15. Such a wonderful place to walk around. Great post, so interesting and all the photos were lovely!

  16. That is certainly a wonderful place. Your photographs are great Barbara.

    Went to the Lindisfarne Gospels Exhibition on the Palace Green in Durham last week & it was so good I'm going back again on Wednesday! No photographs allowed in the exhibition though.


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