Thursday 5 September 2013

From This to This

From this

to this
where we will be filling it with David Austin roses
in November

and from a shelf of rusty nails in jars etc.
to a little patriotic cover
Why is it that to women jars of rusty nails are an eyesore but to men they are treasure!

and from one bird to two in the quirky corner

it is so good to have a clean and tidy shed
and lots of full black bags

last night's sunset was a joy

I have not sailed away yet but I love this cushion bought at the Historic Dockyards where we took Oliver last week
often when we are out for the day, Alan will buy me a gift when he sees me admiring something
The two little birds on the table above came the same way
Must get back to holiday photos and more


  1. You have been busy there. Lots of work done and more to do with a new rose bed. I do like that cute pillow.

  2. Your new rose garden will be lovely. Such a beautiful sunset....ours was pretty much the same last night.

  3. Awww...that's so sweet of Alan. I like your birds for the quirky corner and that clearing of the bed for the roses looks like an awful lot of work. Did someone come in and take the plants or did you replant them elsewhere? I really like your really dresses things up. Nothing like having the shed or garage or anything cleaned.

  4. Oh my dear ... you must have sore muscles!!! It will make such a nice bed of roses though.

    Your birds are so sweet and your cushion is darling. Are you planning to sail away soon???

  5. Oooh, which David Austins are you planting? How fun to have a new start in the flower bed. You certainly sound happy about that shed :-)

  6. I like your cushion very much, and your patriotic shed! We have been having some gorgeous sunsets, they quite take your breath away.

  7. What a lovely thought, to be planning a complete David Austin rose bed. I look forward to seeing the results.

  8. Enjoyed your pictures. The sunset was BEAUTIFUL!!! Just think of the beauty our eyes will soon behold!!!!

  9. My goodness you are so brave with your garden. I hate digging plants out, can't bear to get rid of them. what a softie.

    I'm the same with houseplants I have lots I should get rid of but can't.

    Love that cushion Barbara.

  10. I am glad the weather has allowed you some time to do some work in the garden finally. Love the bunting in the windows. And the little birds too.

  11. Those rose beds will be beautiful! Thanks for stopping in to visit my blog.

  12. Lots of exciting gardening afoot I see!
    David Austin roses are bliss but tend to be a bit floppy headed when put in vases.

  13. Very interesting. David Austin roses have long been a favorite of mine! Good idea!

  14. Love those little birds. They are a perfect complement to the quirky corner. I'm looking forward to seeing your new rose garden.

  15. All sounds lovely and I love the patriotic nod to the Union Jack :)


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