Sunday 9 June 2013

Wickham Place Farm Garden - Pt. 2

Having enjoyed the wisteria I'll now show you the rest of the garden
Wickham Place Farm dates from around 1706 and up to 1948 it was the kitchen garden and gardener's cottages to the
'big house'. The entrance to that house is now blocked.
From 1948 to 1952 it was used as a cattle farm.
From 1952 the ornamental gardens and woods were planted.
In 1987 the once lovely estate was overgrown and the current owners, Judith and Terry bought a dilapidated house with a thicket of garden and woodland (and a job for life?!)
The hurricane only 4 months later compounded the problems with about 1000 trees lost.
Judith, the lady of the house has been the main restorer (encouraged by her husband). 
Judith says she looks after the garden mainly on her own with only a few hours of paid help.  

We took a picnic with us and am taking this photograph while eating it and enjoying the many fish (large carp) in the pond

The folly

Here we are leaving the formal garden and walking around the woodland paths

before returning back in to the formal garden areas

The back of the owner's house

Tea and cakes available too and profits along with garden entrance fees all going to a local hospice

Definitely a private house

Hope you enjoyed


  1. It must take hours and hours to keep up with a place that size. I would think one would never be done with it. It does look wonderful and I'm sure the owners are rewarded with all the wondrous sights. Nice that they can also make a little for the hospice people too.

  2. Beautiful, and considering all the troubles, even more beautiful! Love the woods.

  3. Such beautiful gardens. We have only very few gardens that could in anyway compare with these. We have ranches and ranch houses, with typically Mexican style houses and gardens. I like them because they are so different from anything I grew up with. But you hardly ever see the carefully manicured British-type gardens. Not enough rain.

  4. Thank you for another lovely tour!

  5. That HAS to be a labor of love. It is spectacular!

  6. Barbara, a nice garden, privat - as you say. Privat gardens can be wonderful and very special.


  7. I hope her Husband helps her. I have 1 acre ans a path to the Cove. This place is beautiful, cutting those hedges, Oh my. That is the biggest lilac bush, must be very old. Have a great week, isn't it grand Summer is here.

  8. I love garden walks and this was just about as nice.Thank you for taking us along.

  9. The walk along the woodsy path would be my favorite I think, and I thank you for taking us along!

  10. How did you manage not to take a million photos of that lilac?! Oh. I suppose you had lots of other pretty things to photograph! And maybe it's just my own obsession with a plant I can't grow... Beautiful vistas, Barbara.

  11. I do love the woodland park walks the best! Thanks for the wonderful walk!


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