Friday 21 June 2013

Random Photographs of my Garden on 21st June 2013

Well it is the longest day of the year today and we are off on  holiday tomorrow. The beauty of going away this time of year is the long light evenings.
As for Summer a columnist in our newspaper this week said he enjoyed Summer which lasted from 6.0 am until 8.0 pm last Wednesday. About right.
Lots of rain and wind forecast
Hopefully it will ease off during the week as we have lots of places to visit, especially gardens and the beautiful Jurassic Coast.
Life has been exceptionally busy these last couple of weeks and blogging has taken a back seat but I hope to be rectifying that.
For the moment I am leaving you with some random photos of the garden today (before the torrential rain)

I love my garden mirror


  1. Your garden is incredible!!!!

  2. I love your garden mirror too! I did think it was a window at first. Have a safe and happy holiday!

  3. Your garden is one to be proud of Barbara. Wishing you a wonderful holiday.

  4. Your garden mirror is just perfect! I've wondered about doing that. Happy vacation!

  5. Your garden is so beautiful, and I love the mirror. Have a wonderful trip and I look forward to seeing photos when you return!

  6. Oh, those yellow roses have got me wishing mine did nearly as well as these. I'll have to look at your previous post when you mentioned their name. So handsome against your dark fences.

  7. You have a wonderful garden! I pray you Englanders shall have some warm and lovely summer weather, I feel sorry for you!
    Ann-sofie (sweden)

  8. Your garden looks great! The mirror makes the garden much more bigger.
    I wish you a wonderful holdiay.


  9. Oh my gosh, what gorgeous roses.
    Infact the whole yard is beautiful. We certainly will enjoy the smell's
    and sight's of Summer. Winter was so
    long. That pink and that orange are so pretty together.

  10. What joy to see how wonderful your roses look -and the rest of the garden too.
    And your weather looks pleasant too.
    All best wishes to you both.

  11. The garden is looking marvelous! The roses glorious! Are those peonies or a rose I don't recognize? I really think you were inspired when you put the garden mirror up. I'm going to copy you!

  12. They are beautiful. I hope you enjoy your holiday.

  13. Oh, Barbara, your garden...your flowers...all so beautiful. Have a blessed Sunday!

  14. Barbara it must have been photograph the garden day on 21st! I managed to get out for the first time in a month and did what you did. Aren't they lovely at this time of year?

  15. Your roses are truly magnificent!

  16. Your yellow roses are absolutely lusciously lovely! Do they bloom all summer long? You have me wanting the next rose I buy to be a pretty yellow one. Your garden mirror is very pretty, especially with the beautiful flowers you have for it to reflect.

  17. Wow, Barbara, what beautiful gardens. A stroll through your gardens would be a vacation in itself. So glad you are on holiday. Have a Blessed week. Trisha

  18. Absolutely gorgeous! We are receiving torrential rains and a storm as I write...hoping it doesn't wreak havoc on my outdoor flowers and vegetables!

  19. Lovely,photos of a lovely garden. I, too, love your mirror. When I first saw it I thought "how clever! They put a window in the fence!" By e 2nd picture I realized it is a mirror.

  20. I just love your gorgeous garden and your mirror is fabulous! Your garden looks so very inviting and beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. I hope to visit England someday. Have a wonderful week!
    Take care!


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