Friday 22 March 2013

Surprises and Grands and Ramblings

Surprise - the first item here has vanished
It was a short video of a 65 year old friend entertaining us at 
mid-week house church lying on the floor and doing push ups with hands and feet into the air horizontally and clapping with each leap in the air
It all started when someone decided to put their toes into their mouth and ask if anyone else could do it

and here is a reminder to check the weight and not just the picture when  ordering on-line groceries!! Almost 7 lbs.
I have started weekly on-line grocery shopping and on this my fifth order I obviously tried to be too quick!

Bekah getting ready to go out!
Did we ever do this aged 3 - don't think so

No surprise here
 Oliver and Bekah enjoying the pancakes that they helped make on Shrove Tuesday at home
Did this post weeks ago and forgot to publish it!!

Back to Beth Chatto's gardens next

Have a great weekend everyone
Snow, wind and hail here and very cold

In answer to those who queried the work of foxes in the garden - I think he/she/they were trying to dig a burrow in next doors dense undergrowth via. my hedge
the Heron continues to visit everyday (even though we have covered the pond with mesh) and has managed to catch all the toads and tadpoles as well as the fish
Possibly the continuing awful weather is having an effect on the local wildlife too


  1. I'll bet that was an interesting video!!!

    Loved seeing the little ones. No....I don't think we ever got done up like that at that age. I remember playing dress up with clothing, but no makeup.

    I'm sorry to hear that the weather continues to be more wintery than springlike. You must be so tired of it by now and dying to get out in the garden again.

  2. Our wildlife here in Northeast Kansas has suffered because of the drought last year. Less for the wild things to eat... less bunnies, less mice, though you couldn't prove it by my henhouse!

  3. They're so cute! And they really do resemble each grands look like different sides of the family. Hope that fox is long gone.

  4. What a naughty heron to take all the pond life, but I suppose he was hungry too. The weather is so unkind to the wildlife.
    I'm interested as to where you shop on line, it is something I haven't done.....yet.

  5. Imagining that video is rather fun, Barbara, and I enjoyed seeing your grand's activities as well :)
    Blessings to you and yours,

  6. I'm rather glad the video disappeared, Barbara. It would have put me to shame.

    I love Oliver's cheeky grin.

  7. The grands certainly are growing up to be beautiful children. I'm sure I would have loved the opportunity to put on make up at age 3, but it was not an option in those days! My sisters and I did love to play dress up though, but we were a few years older than Bekka even then.

  8. That's the biggest bag of oats I've ever seen! I would like to have seen the look on your face when they arrived. So cute. Bet the grandchildren got a kick out of it. Still cold here too, a couple of days ago it warmed up a little and I potted my herbs, then it got down to 19 that night and I had to wrap a large sheet of plastic around them, I plan to leave it there for another week at least. Have a Blessed day, Trisha

  9. I'm sorry your winter is hanging on so long. Perhaps it will make spring that much more special and appreciated.

  10. This is a fun posts, full of bits and pieces. Your grandchildren are so sweet. Bekah getting ready to go out makes me think of my 2-year-old granddaughter who likes watching me put on my makeup and insists on doing some herself.

  11. Dear Barbara,
    It has been a very harsh winter, and my heating bill is a lulu.
    The birds are well fed here and I have been feeding the Sea Gulls too. Yiur Grand Children are Darling.
    Stay warm and Hunker down. yvonne
    Happy Easter.

  12. Hmmm. I see what you'll be eating (and probably sharing) for quite a few breakfasts!

    Can't get over how big your grands are getting. Wasn't it just a little while ago that you were announcing a first birthday??

  13. We are having a cold, late spring. I can't wait for it to warm up because I have all kinds of projects I want to do with my grandchildren while they are here from Colorado. However, our weather isn't cooperating very well.

  14. I do hope you like oatmeal. What a big package.
    I have a picture of my daughter putting on face cream just like the one you show of your grand daughter. So cute and just like Mom.
    Have a wonderful Easter.


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