Friday 29 March 2013

Beth Chatto's Garden Pt. 2

Now moving on from the gravel/dry garden into the more formal and water gardens
For those who questioned the dry garden in last post, 
Essex, my home county is known as the dryest county in England
Anyone would be forgiven for thinking that was a joke over this last year

Do check on Pt. 1 if you have not already done so where you will see some history of this outstanding garden which was the vision of Beth Chatto 60 years ago

Here we see Beth's home on the left
we will just walk around taking photos as we go

A taste of Summer to be remembered and looked forward to again
Still lots of photos to come of this enchanting place


  1. As it is still much like winter, I do appreciate the pictures. Wishing you a happy Easter weekend!

  2. Oh my....what a beautiful garden!!! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  3. It looks like a very interesting garden to visit.

  4. A beautiful garden with so much to teach us. I loved the photo of the little rowing boat on the lake.

  5. Thank you for sharing this beautiful and so interesting and diverse garden with us. I look forward to what else you have to show us. What amazing beauty she has wrought out of those abandoned bramble fields and marshy ditches! I can only imagine what sense of accomplishment it must give a person to be able to create something so lovely. She is working along with God, who created all these plants and gives them life, even if she does not realize that. I really think this is what we are each called to do - create something lovely and good in some way or other with whatever gifts we have been given.

  6. Enchanting is right! So serene (which I had to look up for the spelling - just don't trust myself anymore. Anyway I was surprised at the definition: calm (I knew that) and cheerful (that was the surpise)) Anyway, I think serene fits the garden as well as enchanting. Thanks for sharing, Barbara. Always love your tours.

  7. That really is lovely Barbara, great photos. Wish I had the expertise, inspiration & energy to create a garden like that.

  8. What a lovely walk around on this cold Easter day! Just what is needed as Spring takes it time!

  9. Just beautiful! Can only imagine the enjoyment the grounds keepers must have. Have a Blessed day, Trisha

  10. Happy Easter, Barbara! God has gifted us with a spectacular sunny Portland, Oregon!!! I posted pictures and hope it will encourage you. It is in the 70s here...a miracle at this time of year!!!

  11. Belated Happy Easter, Barbara. The garden is so lovely. The long curving lawns lead the eye so gracefully. And the lake - what fun to paddle/row there.

  12. So many fabulous specimens. Did you have to restrain yourself from stopping at every pretty plant and leaf and flower? That'd be me.

  13. Oh this is beautiful, Barbara! Ms. Chatto is certainly a very talented gardener. I see many flowers and plants that look familiar to me; I always wonder if they're called by the same name in England as they are here.

    Have a wonderful weekend!



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