Saturday 16 February 2013

Leeds Castle, Pt. 3

After a  nice meal we return to the gardens and grounds

Walking through the formal areas

These cottages can be hired for holidays

A nice place to sit by the lake

We are now in the centre of the maze
I tell you this is the third time we have visited this maze
and it never gets any easier
A warden does stand at the top in case anyone cannot find their way
I have to admit the first time I came I did rely on the Warden to steer me through - not this time though

The Maze comprises 2,400 Yew trees and when viewed from the centre, part of it mirrors a Queen's crown

The way out is down through an underground Grotto
There is an easy way out for anyone unable to manage this

All made up of shells, minerals and wood

His Lordship blends in well!

We are now out into day light again

A pleasant lakeside walk

With some where shady to sit

Before we head back to the tearoom, then do a little shopping in the well stocked gift shop


  1. All your journeys are so lovely in England! Thank you for sharing them with us!

  2. This post really is a winner!
    What bliss it would be to rent one of the cottages for a few days.
    I think Leeds Castle goes to the top of my list!

  3. A lovely place to visit. I think I would be more afraid of getting lost in the grotto than in the maze!

  4. Wow I love those gardens Barbara. Such a pleasant place to spend a few hours, lots of beauty to enjoy. I can imagine a vacation in one of those nearby cottages and lazy summer days spent enjoying the castle's grounds.

  5. It is Huge!, and beautiful. Thank you. I love that view across the water toward the meadow and trees.

  6. I wonder why they created the grotto? Maybe a hinding place of last resort?
    Love the gardens - mine are so paultry in comparison... and how fun, a maze!
    Thanks again for the tour!

  7. I am enjoying my return virtual visit to the Castle. I found the maze quite challenging too.

    After stumbling around I tried out a tested technique which has always worked for me, only to be told it didn't quite work in the Leeds Castle maze...

  8. Although Catherine of Aragon led a sad life, at least she lived in a very pleasant place--the gardens were a comfort to her I'm sure.

  9. That is a beautiful place. I love the grotto and the maze. It would be a lovely place to spend an afternoon. Here all is very white with several inches of new snow on the ground. Hope you have a restful and relaxing Sunday.

  10. My goodness, Barbara, what an exotic collection of images. Seems like another world underground and in the formal gardens!

  11. The castle is so beauitful and the grotto is amazing. Very intersting, Barbara!

  12. This is such a breath taking garden. It must have taken years to do it. This was fasinating.. I enjoyed it. Thanks

  13. hello dear's been a long time since I have been on blogging sites..

    So lovely as always to walk with this maze much better than a corn maze here in America! the greenery is much more pleasant!

    I will see you again sooon..

    God bless..

  14. I so love that grotto. What a great idea to have as an exit.


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