Thursday 21 February 2013

Keeping the Grands Amused

Well it is half term week so have had Oliver and Rebekah for a few days

Oliver's favourite craft at the moment is Hammer Beads
and he was happy to spend hours with them 

I got to pick my favourite to keep so I chose the butterfly which now lives on the freezer door

Lunch and afternoon at Pilgrims Hall was a worthwhile choice as apart from feeding the chickens 

and collecting the eggs

there's lots of space in the house and grounds for them

One afternoon we took them to our local country park (forgot my camera and my phone!!!) which they loved as there are many Reindeer there and a great wild life centre but hard for them to contemplate a place without climbing frames.

However after our constant wet Winter everywhere was mud, mud, mud and Oliver suddenly appeared round a tree covered from neck to toe, and with his jacket open it was not only on the outside but also the inside! The volunteer in the wildlife centre said, "That's what fun in the wild is all about" to which I replied "It's not going to be too much fun in the car"
He very kindly brought us some black plastic for him to sit on!

No sign of Spring yet - we have a 4 day severe weather warning and the Arctic winds are bitingly cold


  1. Ohhhh, in light of what I wrote about today, this made me laugh out loud. They're too darling, Barbara, and now I am off to do some research on Hammer Beads.

  2. I expect you are now exhausted! It's fun having the grandchildren, but it can be tiring too, especially with mud!

  3. Isn't that the way with little boys...

  4. It's been going up and down here too. We get a spell of freezing cold and snow then a few warmer with rain. Still cold but those with kids and dogs can attest to the mud when it thaws. Right now we are back with the cold and like you arctic wind chills and of course more snow. One of my garden statues blew over and when I tried to pick him up I found he was frozen to the ground. I love the beads and am sure that was a worthwhile investment. They do tend to keep the young ones occupied for hours. Keep warm!


  5. Lovely times spent with Grandchildren, it's the best!

    But you're right about the muddy ground. It's the same here, all the parks are waterlogged so the kids come home filthy!!

  6. I was wondering about the temperature when I saw the children well bundled up. It's the muddy time of year, isn't it? But what fun for children to collect eggs. Such sweet little ones you have.

  7. The dirtier the child the more fun he had. Oliver must have had the best time of his young life!

  8. I was going to say, "It looks like the snow is gone," but with a severe weather warning...does that mean more snow in the near future?
    Love seeing your grands enjoying the pleasures with their grandparents. I've never seen those Hammer Beads. They look like fun. Enjoy the kiddies while they are young..Balisha

  9. It looks like a good time was had by all. How thoughtful of the volunteer to find some plastic for you.

  10. You're making memories that will go with them the rest of their lives. What a Blessing.


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