Thursday 20 December 2012

The Lead Up to Christmas

The lead-up to Christmas is certainly a busy and exciting time

We begin at Pilgrims Hall with the tables set ready for a Christmas meal for our volunteers and spouses

and then it is Soul-in-the-City time
a free fun day for families in our neighbourhood
Unfortunately the weather was bad so we had to use a 
local school hall

Children had a free photograph taken with Father Christmas

then we spent an evening next door with our house church, and another one from down the street, putting together hampers with all the goodies we had bought for needy people in the neighbourhood

large ones like this for families of four

and then the younger community children at our school
put on a pantomime
Oliver with a Twist

the night before our house church Secret Santa party
held at our house

Just a few photos of the 27 adults, 7 children and new baby present

We mostly packed out the back of the house
 leaving the front quieter

and not forgetting

Grand daughter Bekah being a Christmas Pudding at nursery

and Grandson Oliver being a Shepherd in school Nativity play

There should have been photographs of our Carol Singing in the neighbourhood (as other years) but we had to cancel because of the appalling weather.
We will however be having an open air Carol Service tomorrow outside the Conservative HQ in town with the Conservative Christian Fellowship and the Salvation Army Band as it is forecast to be DRY

Saturday will complete the pre-Christmas celebrations with our
'all house churches together' Christmas party
a time of worship, food and fun

Unless I post photos of the next two evenings, all that remains is to wish everyone that visits here
A Very Happy and Blessed Christmas
and peaceful New Year


  1. It sounds like a truly wonderful time.
    Wishing you a very blessed Christmas.

  2. Merry Christmas to you and Alan as well, Barbara. Your hospitality never ceases to amaze me and it proves that wall to wall people is great (at least some of the time). I would have loved to be one more just to hear the buzz and enjoy the warmth and partake of the beautiful table.

    Oliver makes a mighty fine and joyful shepherd and Bekah is the most lovely Christmas pudding that I've ever seen. She looks positively angelic. I know that with children in the family again, Christmas has taken on even more meaning.

    Many blessings!

  3. It looks and sounds like you have been having a wonderful time in the run up to Christmas.

    I wish you and your family a Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year xx

  4. Merry Christmas Barbara! There has been lots of Christmas going on in your life this week I see. Your grandchildren are such beautiful little people!

  5. May you have a blessed Christmas and wonderful new year. Your Grandchildren are absolutely beautiful and I'm sure a delight.

    Barbara, It is great to stop by and visit your blog. I enjoy seeing where you go and what all you see.

    Sweet Blessings,

  6. What a great party. Oliver with a Twist, food and games galore, Father Christmas, a babe in a daddy's arms. What a sweet time. Just goes to show bad weather can't keep a good Englishman down.

  7. You really have had a lot of Christmas celebrating going on there. It's lovely to see the many pictures of all the activities. Your grandchildren are just adorable. We are to have our family Christmas celebration here tomorrow. So you can imagine, I've been busy getting ready for them. We have some snow on the ground and it's very cold out. Hope you haver a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too!

  8. I see lots of fun there... a sweet Christmas pudding and quite a handsome shephard. You've had lots of people and places in your celebration. More of the same to you, Barbara and to Alan, too.

  9. It looks and sounds like some fun Christmas celebrations there. I doubt that I have ever seen a more beautiful plum pudding!!! Oliver is a cute shepherd too.

    Merry Christmas to you, Alan and the family.

  10. Wow! How busy you have been. I know you really enjoyed it, but, I hope you have time now, to drink some hot cocoa and watch some Christmas movies. Have a Merry Christmas!

  11. Wonderful gatherings, even if you've had to adjust to weather conditions. Your Bekah and Oliver look absolutely darling. Happy Christmas to you and your loved ones, Barbara.

  12. Such wonderful ways to celebrate Christ is come! Thanks for letting me enjoy your activities, too through your words and photos, Barbara. We had a family gift exchange today and I plan to attend our Sunday worship service tomorrow morning, then a candlelight service Christmas Eve. Joy to you and yours!
    xx from Gracie

  13. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. God bless.

  14. Have a Blessed Christmas Barbara!

  15. Merry Christmas, Barbara,
    from, Balisha

  16. Lovely celebrations! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Peace!

  17. Bekah is absolutely gorgeous and those cheeks =)


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