Friday 18 May 2012

Ramblings in the garden in mid-May

Having a quick journey into Blogdom before a weekend conference beginning tonight that our church is hosting.
'Living Supernatural'
with Chad & Julia Dedmon who were ordained as Ministers by
Drs Rolland & Heidi Baker and Bill & Beni Johnson of Bethel Church, Reading, California

As far as the garden is concerned we had a completely dry day yesterday, the first for a long time so I was able to get out there and do some much needed work

Having removed an ailing shrub here I came across this miniature 'Red Robin' - Photinia and will be looking forward to seeing how it compares with the much larger kind that I already have

It has been impossible to get on with our 'bottom of the garden' project because of the weather 
All the old fence is gone now and we have been getting rid of some of the dead foliage in the garden at the back of us which caused the damage to our fence in the first place

So with fence, greenhouse and shed gone sorting this area out feels a bit overwhelming to me
We are wanting to make do with what we have got and not spend much money
Would be easy peasy if we could just dump it all and start again
However the first job once Alan has put up the new fence will be to lift up the different levels and try to make something of it
I don't want to lose what is already planted so making it even harder working around that
We'll get there I don't doubt but probably not as quick as I would like
at least the torrential rain and hailstones has stopped and it is set to get warmer next week

I could not resist adding a photo I took of Bekah recently while we were baby sitting, she loves her floor puzzles (and pink)

And in closing Alan jumped on a bus yesterday morning for 2 stops
(5 minutes) between the hospital and shopping centre to meet up 
with me and during that time he had his Kindle (one of his 80th birthday presents) stolen out of his zipped up shoulder bag
Are we all going to need to carry our bags under our coats!

Wishing everyone a great weekend 


  1. Gosh, you have a lot of projects going in the garden!
    Thank goodness the rain has let up for a bit.
    Claudia said the weather has been vile lately.
    So upsetting that Alan had his Kindle stolen. I think it may be possible to cancel or disable it, as it probably had to be registered to him. Still very rotten.
    I see Becka has the full complement of activities. She looks a lovely child!
    Have a great weekend.

  2. It was nice being able to get out into the garden yesterday. Yours seems to be coming along well, and I am sure your bottom of the garden project will soon take shape.
    I'm sorry to hear about Alan's Kindle. Can they be traced? I'm just thinking that they are registered to Amazon.

  3. Oh what a revolting development with the theft of the Kindle. We live in such times... I'm claiming Joel 2:25 for you and Alan.

    As for the garden...such a lot of work. Any chance that there are some nice strong folks who'd love to come alongside and help with the project? And your neighbor with the brush rotting away there...well, I can certainly sympathize. I'm sure that you've figured out some plan. If not, I'm praying the Lord reveals a working one.

    Bekah is happily playing with her puzzles and wearing pink in the most delightful way.

  4. What a note to end on. Fun time in the garden, the pleasure of your g-dtr, and then a slippery steal. And here I thought a zippered tote would keep my laptop safe. Terrible how we have to be relentlessly vigilent. So sorry.

  5. The garden really keeps you busy!

    I am so sorry about the Kindle, one feels so violated when such mean things happen.

  6. Lots of work in gardening but it is so worth it. (Speaking from someone who lets her husband do most of the work!)
    So sorry that your husband's Kindle was stolen. Rotten thieves.

  7. You've had rain and we are dry. We hate to complain about no rain, as our spring has been perfect. Looks like you have some work ahead of you. Seems like we gardeners always have a project to work on.
    A shame about the Kindle. I'm sure Alan is missing it.
    Have a nice weekend.

  8. Oh I'm so sorry about Alan's Kindle being stolen. What a mean thing to do.

    You do have an ambitious garden project there in the back of the garden. I'm sure you will end up with a lovely spot there.

  9. Oh my, Barbara. I can see how that project is looking a bit overwhelming. But at least the weather is becoming more amenable. I'm sure you'll find something lovely and low-maintenance for the area. I'm sorry to hear about Alan's Kindle. It must get exhausting, though, to be on guard all the time.

  10. Lots of projects happening in your garden. I'm sorry to hear of Alan's Kindle being stolen. It makes me sad to think of how the world is so full of sin. I hope your conference is good.

  11. Hope the conference was encouraging!

  12. Poor Alan. How do they manage it?!
    Lovely photo of Bekah. How time flies!


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