Thursday 24 May 2012

A Dry Garden & Meeting a Blogger

Conference was amazing. Don't think there was anybody who was not touched by the Holy Spirit
You know it was a good conference when one comes away feeling things will never be quite the same again!
Much healing and empowering

I was serving refreshments at the beginning on Friday when a lady came up to me and checked out my name tag
It was Jenny above, a blogger who recognised me from my blog

Come Tuesday Alan began the mammoth task at the bottom of the garden by digging up some enormous tree roots
Nothing has been done since because of a combination of weather and an unexpected visit from someone we last saw in the 1980's.
Having been hampered by 6 weeks of almost non-stop torrential rain (it felt like that anyhow) the temperatures rose from upper 50's to mid 80's almost over night and I can't remember it ever being so humid here in May before
We are going to have to pace ourselves in this heatwave

The herb garden is flourishing

as is everywhere else

Everywhere one looks we are surrounded by things to do with the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations
and in my garden too!

Hard to believe that not too long ago a great swathe of this was under water

The fence panels arrive tomorrow and I am itching to get on with my part
watch this space!


  1. You have a lovely garden. We're having a heat wave here too -- it's way too hot -- and we're having to really water -- that is so unusual for May -- I'm hoping that this weekend brings rain!

    Love your pond!

  2. You have such a lovely big garden. My space is quite small but I love it just the same. Every thing there looks wonderful. I know it's a lot of work and would keep you busy. Just my little area takes a lot of time. Glad you got to meet another blogger in person. What a nice surprise! Here it is very warm too. We go up and then down again it seems but it has be unusually dry for us this time of year.

  3. You are warmer than our part of California! Love your garden... nice to hear from you!

  4. You are both amazing. That garden is stunning!

  5. Oh how neat to have a blogger introduce herself. Those kinds of meetings are/can be life changing.

    Okay, I'm thinking Alan is doing a lot of work, but now you're going to be up to doing fence panels? I'll definitely be watching.

  6. I just love your backyard, Barbara. If I could, I would post pictures of YOUR yard all over MY yard and take possession. LOL.

  7. Thank you for the garden tour. Everything seems to look so beautiful right now. Love your herb garden and pond. Happy gardening.

  8. Hi Barbara!

    So glad that the weather has calmed down for you. Your garden looks great... I have always loved an English style garden and I guess you really do have one, lol.

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  9. It's always great fun to meet a fellow blogger!
    Your garden is already wonderful. I'll be looking forward to seeing the developments in 'your space'.

  10. Your garden is simply gorgeous. I'm so glad your conference was so spirit filled, it's always a joy to get refreshed and renewed in the spirit!

  11. Alan makes a very dapper looking hatchet man.

    How fun to be recognized from your blog! You did not share Jenny's blog with us, would she like a few more readers??

    I know you are happy with the dry garden and I hope it lasts for a while. Can't wait to see what you've got planned.

  12. Loved seeing Alan with the axe!
    So here's hoping you enjoy the lovely weekend. The rain has come here instead!

  13. Loved seeing your garden. We're on our way home from a wonderful vacation. I can't wait to work in my garden again! It's such fun to spend time with blog friends.

  14. Somehow I missed your last two posts and am just now caught up and so excited! Although I live in the Portland, OR area, I feel like you are next door. Not long ago I babysat so that my oldest daughter and her husband could attend a conference at which they were greatly encouraged through the ministry of Drs Rolland and Heidi Baker! I still have vivid memories of a DVD in which Heidi was interviewed and also shown during ministry... a woman of great faith! I have just started reading one of Bill Johnson's books, and have also been reading one by Graham Cooke. I'm so glad you enjoyed your conference! Your garden is lovely! Oh, and I am sorry that Alan's Kindle was snatched. Blessings to you and yours and the one who snatched the Kindle. <3

  15. Your garden is looking lovely. As you said it is difficult to believe we had all that rain not so long ago. One day I was outside in wellies and a waterproof coat, and the next it was short sleeves and a sun hat!

  16. Loved hearing about a blogger recognizing you. Your gardens are lovely. Would you post Jenny's blog for me?

  17. How neat about the blogger coming up to you at the conference. The best part is that the Holy Spirit was doing a mighty work among you. Oh, nothing better than THAT!!! The yard, as always, BEAUTIFUL.

  18. Well! It does seem all that rain has done your garden good. If only the rain would awaken the garden elves to take care of those pesky tree roots!

  19. Everything looks great,love the photo of your red robin with your table to the side,relaxing is important too in the garden.Your lilies look well established too,I lost a lovely white one I used have years ago!

  20. So fun to meet another blogger. Your garden is looking mighty tidy. My is abundantly blessed with quite and unkempt look. Friday I am hoping to make a great sweep of things. Can't wait to see your panels.

    The conference sounds it when God so impresses His heart upon ours.

  21. It was lovely to meet you in the flesh, and the photo came out well. Your garden is really beautiful, i'm afraid mine is looking poorly as i can no longer bend. I have just looked at my blog and realised it is a year tomorrow since i last wrote in it, so i am going to give it a go.

    Jenny xx

  22. I never tire of seeing your garden, it is so lovely!

    From your last post - so sorry to hear about your husband's Kindle! Sad that people are so quick to "help themselves" to things.


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