Thursday 9 February 2012

Restoration House, Rochester

Off tomorrow for a House church weekend away and hopefully we will not be subjected to very severe weather again although it is snowing right now
  Well prepared this weekend though

I'll leave you with another taste of August

This house is like a secret jewel hidden away in a side street in Rochester
It derives it's name from the visit to Rochester of King Charles II on 
28/29 May 1660 when travelling from Dover to London for his restoration as king after 15 years of exile.
The house is said to have been built between 1580 and 1600
Archaeological research during conservation of the building has, however shown that it was built in several phases
It is the Satis House of Dickens' Great Expectations

The gardens are designed as separate 'rooms' on different levels

The side yard

leading to an outside toilet which at one time would have been the only one - note the herbs strew across the floor
This was the only way of  deodorising a place in time gone by 

I am able to take you inside by permission of the current tenant
who allowed me to take just a few photos
generally photography not allowed

The King's Room
The panelling in this room at one time hid doorways

Part of the Great Hall

Because of the limits to the pictures I could take I did not get a shot of the Great Chamber (Miss Havisham's Room)
but was very grateful to be allowed to take some not compromising security

There is an archaeological dig continuing alongside this property


  1. Charles II stayed there? WOW! I'm always in awe of the history preserved in your country. It's a wonderful legacy for all your citizens, and for the rest of us who may have an ancestor from the UK. Thanks for sharing, Barbara.

  2. hello!
    Wonderful pictures today.

    Thank you for sharing.

  3. What a magnificent place and the grounds are breathtaking. I cannot imagine the hours it must take to keep it all in order. Enjoy your weekend away and hope the weather is good for you and to you.

  4. Thank you so much. This is so gorgeous. The grounds are fabulous.
    Stay warm. Get a bag of kitty litter for your car.

  5. I read that Mike Newell is now the director of the movie "Great Expectations" which is now being filmed.
    If I say I have great expectations for it, would you groan very loudly?

  6. Many intriguing things to see there. I was surprised to open up some of the garden pictures to find fruit and vegetables growing...I had thought it was all just flowers and trees. Very ornate and healthy garden, which makes me wonder who takes care of all that. And I was surprised to see the wind chimes hanging near the wood pile. How neat that you were allowed to take a few photos inside. It's amazing how old it is and still serving as a private residence.

  7. Very interesting. How I would love to wander those narrow pathways. Especially interesting as I am currently reading "Great Expectations" Mary

  8. How wonderful that the owner permitted some photography. Please thank him/her for us. I was fascinated by the old staircase and the plates hung on the wall above it. Think of all the history that house has seen!

  9. The splendor of the history carry the clear traces of human ingenuity, even after centuries. It needs a mind suffused with legacy to write on things like this. The pictures are great. Thanks for sharing.

  10. What amazing photos you have shared. I felt like I was there but glad I didn't have to use the toilet! The gardens are just unbelievable!

  11. Beautiful....I would love to wander around the grounds there.

  12. What a beauty of a house! Really enjoyed your photos :-}


  13. How very interesting, both the gardens and the house. It is so great to be able to visit places with such history and thank you for sharing with us. Have a Happy Valentine's Day.

  14. Completely fascinating! I'm a Dickens fan! I can see that I missed so much of your beautiful country and need to return for a "garden tour," alone! Wonderful!

  15. How beautiful. I especially love the gardens. You took such wonderful photos that I felt that I could step right into them, and wanted to do so. It looks as though it would bring such inner peace just to wander about there.

  16. What a fantastic place and the GARDEN!! Now that is what I expect when I think of an English garden - a maze.

  17. A very different "feel" in this place than I expected. I can almost smell the old, polished wood and hear the echo of shoes clicking on the plank floors. Not many rugs or tapestries as one might imagine. The gardens are superb.

  18. Thank you for your comment on my blog.

    Wow! I really must visit this place, it looks amazing, especially the garden :-)

  19. Beautiful gardens! How blessed you are to live near all of these wonderful sites!

  20. Assalammualaikum wrwb
    How are you mam ?? ^_^
    my name is Iry
    from indonesia
    you blog very nice, i love it much
    thank you for sharing
    Wassalammualaikum wrwb


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