Thursday 16 February 2012

House Church Weekend Away

It snowed over night again prior to our House Church weekend away. We had planned to leave very early to make the most of the day but as it happened we did not leave until midday when we knew that the main roads were clear

We found this very nice place to have lunch on the way
This cafe was part of a garden centre and more and more are popping up all over. One does not go to the garden centre just to buy plants any more but to have coffee, lunch or afternoon tea

In my next post I will be posting on an interesting local town and castle that we visited as we did not have to be at the conference centre until late afternoon

Early morning light the next day

For me the weekend was very much up at the top for weekends away, leaving aside the basic rooms and shared facilities.

There was a good balance of meeting time, sharing time, relaxing time and leisure time. At no time did I feel rushed or pressured as in many previous weekends that I have attended over the years. The atmosphere was great. There was a deepening of relationships as we spent quality time together.
There was a sense of freedom with opportunity for freedom in the Spirit. Everyone seemed relaxed. I think we all came away much more of a ‘family’ and with a greater understanding and appreciation of each other.
Food was great (4 star in fact), hosts were great and 24 hr access to dining room and drinks helpful.

To sum up – a great time of engaging in the Spirit and with each other while enjoying some great food together.

Saturday afternoon Alan and I drove to the coast and ascended Beachy Head so some good photos coming up


  1. Hi Barbara. Isn't it interesting the way business models are changing. Remember when a garden center was a garden center? If you wanted a gift, you went to a gift shop and if you wanted tea etc., you went to a teashop.

    More and more, businesses are expanding their offerings to attract costumers and stay in business. The same thing is happening here.

  2. Sounds like you had a great time away. Hopefully no more of the snow, but I know what you mean about the garden centers, which are always fun to look around.

  3. How nice to spend time with your church family.
    Looking forward to your Beachy Head photos, one of my favorite places on Earth!

  4. Aww a spiritual retreat. Just what I need. The pictures of the snow are beautiful. Sounds like you were blessed and refreshed!

  5. It does sound like a wonderful weekend for you. We had snow much like what is in your picture, but now it is warming up and rain this morning melted a lot of it. It's not really warm here but above freezing. I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your trip.

  6. I don't think that that concept has caught on in my or tea at the garden centers...I like the idea very much and hope that it does.

    Your weekend sounds rejuvenating as well as relaxing. There's nothing much worse than a hurried weekend where one comes away feeling frazzled.

    Hope that this is the end of bitterly cold weather and snow. Our winter has been so mild that I am truly grateful.

  7. Your pictures of snow are beautiful. Glad you enjoyed getting away from it all.

  8. Glad you enjoyed it so much.

    With regard to garden centres and acfes - one of our local garden centres has a cafe with a chef who produces amazing meals and serves desserts that look like those you see on cookery programmes with all the fancy trimmings. We go there for special occasions - that's how good it is.

  9. Was there a special "study" or was it just more of a connecting/social time?

  10. It sounds like it was a wonderful weekend, Barbara. I am so glad it went so well.

    That snow looks pretty chilly. Brrrr.

    I will look forward to the upcoming posts.

  11. It is good to hear your weekend away was so inspiring and that relationships were deepened. And, also, that the roads were passable and you did not have to get out and push this time!

  12. It sounds as though you were well fed, both spiritually and physically!
    Certainly garden centres in France would never have cafes, the staff are too busy going home for their own lunch between 12 and 2pm!

  13. Your weekend away sounds so perfect. My church, which meets in a coffee house, does not do anything like weekends away. I guess if they did I would have to be the one to plan it so maybe I will! Summer is coming in a few months to our mountains here in Colorado- I think a camping trip sounds just the thing!


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