Tuesday 28 February 2012

Half Hour before Sunset & the Last Week in February

I love walking before sunset. Images change, light changes depending on direction from the sun etc.
Here some changes from Sunday afternoon in my local park

Bare trees outlined against the blue sky

Then turning towards the sun an entirely different colour

To the left of the sun

and now in opposite direction with back to the sun

In the shade with the 'behind' sun lighting up the Dogwoods

The sky is still blue pointing in the right direction

Then turning back to face the slowly disappearing  sun

Turning again

Catching the sun

and the Heron

and finally the setting sun


Have been struggling with a nasty infection (mainly cough) which I seemed to have picked up at our house church weekend away as I was certainly not the only one
Daughter unable to come over in the school holiday as young Oliver was poorly
Made up for it by coming over last Saturday though. Oliver has certainly 'shot up' since Christmas

Tuesday Alan decided to go into London to spend his Christmas gift vouchers for HMV - a great selection of New Orleans Jazz there - his favourite
He ended up stranded on the underground for a while as someone jumped/fell onto the track in front of train
However he did eventually get to Whittard's where he bought me the above teapot and 4 mugs (the colours are deeper than shown on the photograph as I did not take the sun into the equation) I do have a number of teapots but wanted a different size

Friday became a learning curve. I had offered to cook 5 large chickens for an upcoming church meal and to take the meat from the bone ready to freeze
I bought the chickens and settled down to cook them before really thinking it through. Five chickens taking two and a half hours each to cook is twelve and a half hours cooking time alone!!
Fortunately my next door neighbour has 2 ovens so I spread the load between mine and hers and it still took most of the day.

 So one more day of February to go as it is Leap Year and looking forward to the emergence of Spring as we slide into March
Happy Springtime everyone


  1. What beautiful pictures. The different views from the sun were amazing! I love sunsets and thank you for sharing yours. The cooking of that many chickens would be a challenge...glad you have a good neighbor !
    I'm not sad to see February go as it brings us closer to Spring.

  2. Beautiful pictures, Barbara. The heron is funny. The first one I ever saw was strolling down some steps at Marylebone like he was just another commuter.

  3. Love that heron on the roof! I would be so excited to have gotten that photo!
    The late afternoon sun on those little trees, lovely!
    I really love the light especially when the sun is so low in the sky.
    Thank you for taking me to your local park. Now, if I could just sit down and have a cuppa tea in one of those rainbow mugs, I would be in heaven!

  4. I hope you are managing to shake of that infection. There seem to be a lot of people coming down with it around Exeter where my daughter lives.

    I love the warmth in the photos with your back to the sun and the beautiful weepeing willow. and, of course, the heron.

    Another tea-pot - you'll be spoiled for choice.

  5. I'm known to hum around that hour...now the day is over, night is drawing nigh, shadows of the evening steal across the sky... Beautiful photos of the process, Barbara.

    Wow, Alan is a sweetheart. He go spent his gift cert on you. Well, I'm sure that you are going to keep him in tea and cake that way. Great set!

    Hope that you are feeling better each day. It is the season for the sickies, but still!

    Oh my. I'll never volunteer to bake off five chickens. Thank you for the head's up.

  6. Loved the sunset shots, Barbara! I love, love, love your teapot and cups, dishes are a guilty pleasure of mine. Hope you are well.

  7. Hi Barbara,very dramatic photography there!Very varied,I love the dogwood photo,looks like they are on fire!Amazing what is around us to be seen and enjoyed,you have a photographers eye! The heron was an unexpected addition too.
    Love your present of those mugs and and teapot,enjoy!

  8. At last! I am finally able to comment. For whatever reason my pc has thrown me out every time I've attempted it recently.

    What a pity we didn't know you were down our way - perhaps we could have met up with you? Glad you had a good w/e though.

  9. I love the colorful stripes on those mugs and your new little teapot! Alan has good taste.

    Your park looks very wintery with the bare tree branches. Love the contrast of the dark branches patterned against the blue sky, or the golden sky. Such artistry our God has created!

  10. Wonderful photo's , such beautiful old trees. Well Happy Leap year day.

  11. Good to be back here Barbara, hope you are well... love the 3rd shot of the sunset :)

  12. Nice pics. I love to watch the sun set behind our woods. The trees are like twig lace this time of year. Nice tea pot. Enjoy.

  13. Lovely new tea set! I love the photo's of dusk in your town.

  14. Those sunset photos are amazing I love the one of the Heron.

    Happy springtime to you too.


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