Saturday 25 February 2012

Beachy Head, East Sussex

During our Saturday afternoon leisure time at our house church weekend away,  Alan and I decided to visit Beachy Head.
It was so bitterly cold nobody else was interested in walking in such a cold windy spot but it seemed an ideal time to capture a very different atmosphere to what one would experience during the Summer months.
So here we are looking down on  the town of Eastbourne with the sun lighting up the town amidst the Winter haze.

and yes, it was cold with an icy wind and it was almost unbearable to use my camera but I was determined to not let it beat me completely

Here we see Alan reading the following
scripture plaque

Beachy Head is a great beauty spot and popular with walkers but with it's towering chalk cliffs and a drop of between 500 and 600 feet at this point it is also a very well known suicide scene
There is a local Chaplaincy team and they were called to 7 incidents during the week we were there
The following week there were 20 incidents and 7 people were rescued and sadly one body was recovered that week by the coastguards.

Alan and I plus a few people who were standing near to us were very concerned about the person we can see from here. Before I got my camera out he was leaning over with his hands in the air

Then 3 people show up and he walks away
Such a disturbing scene as I was capturing the sun on the water
He may just have been fooling around, we will never know

Turning to face the other direction amazing to see how the scene changes as the late afternoon sun bathes the cliffs in light

and then it is time to return
I would have loved to stay and take some sunset photos but we are freezing and it is a while off sunset yet


  1. What a good scripture and positive words to place in such a place. I know that you and Alan and your friends were praying for that man. Now I'm joining you.

    Stay away from the cliffs and keep warm!

  2. they are beautiful pictures, but I don't blame you for not wanting to stay out any longer on such a cold day. I've read a lot about the cliffs there but seeing the pictures puts them in a new perspective for sure.

  3. I have been waiting for your Beachy Head photos!
    I know how cold and windy it can be there, so I am thankful that you took these photos even though I am sure your fingers were freezing!
    I am glad that they have people who try to stop people from jumping, I know it is a huge problem.
    Next time, go in the summer and then you can walk there from the seafront! ;-)

  4. I love the scripture on the plaque, and when you tell of the troubles there it really has a strong meaning. I hope it has or will deter someone from their purpose there.

  5. Gorgeous place that deserves so much respect. I walked 15 miles along that coastline once. Thanks for sharing your thought provoking pictures.

  6. I have never been to Beachy Head but, obviously, have always heard of it.
    Yes, it must have been a little chilling observing the man so close to the edge.
    Yes, taking photos on a cold day leads to very cold hands!

  7. Dear Barbara,
    That was an interesting weekend. The photo's are great. Sad about the suicides. There is a town in Maine and it has a tall fence
    all along the bridge because of Suicides. That must have been a sight seeing that fellow almost jumping.


  8. How wonderful to have Scripture plaques like that. And how sad that people use this spot to take their own lives.

    There's a Beachy Head not far from us. I wonder if it was so named by someone homesick for East Sussex.

  9. It would be so disturbing to see someone jump over the cliff when you are so far away and can do nothing!

    But I love the wild bareness and wide open spaces in this place. It's got its own kind of beauty.

  10. Barbara, it was so good to see your name pop up in my comments. I always love a visit to your blog and hearing about your trips around your beautiful country. Too bad you nearly froze in trying to get these photos. I prayed for the man on the cliff when I read your words about him. God's blessings on you and Alan!

  11. Barbara, I love that you can have a Christian scripture in such a public spot. In my world, where public religious images are furiously fought over, it is gratifying to see this. I hope there have not been attacks on its presence.

  12. Lovely pictures. I admire you for braving the cold weather. Thanks.

  13. The images are spectacular, too bad you had to witness such a potentially dangerous scene! I always fear for people fooling around in places like these cliffs.


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