Saturday 28 January 2012

Rochester Cathedral

Walking away from the castle grounds round to the cathedral

Passing the outer castle walls

as we enter the cathedral grounds

where we pass this ancient tree

We go inside

and out again under the organ archway

into the inner gardens where we see here the 12th century
Chapter House briefly incorporated in a Royal Palace for 
King Henry VIII

We will be walking back into the town next


  1. I like the pattern on the walls in the choir. These old cathedrals are such amazing places...I continually marvel at how they were built in those days...what masterpieces.

  2. Such exquisite architecture, there isn't anything quite like the old cathedrals is there !
    The castle looks to be in good shape, and such a pretty village.

  3. The ruins remind me of our tour to Bury St. Edmunds. (My bro in law lives near and brought us to see the ruins and enjoy market day.) I always thought ruins were a result of long life, weather, maybe war... but the abby at Bury was the results of the town folk becoming disenchanted (shall we say) with the greed of the monks, and they tore down the walls and sent the monks away. I like that story.
    Love your blog. That church is amazing.

  4. I hope all is well with hubby, mine is doing so well after his surgery we my take a little trip.
    Thanks for the tour, I always enjoy.

  5. What splendor! It really is in remarkable condition, isn't it? I loved that old tree too.

    I hope Alan is continuing to improve.

  6. I just imagined what it would be like to walk through the organ archway if the organ was actually playing. =)

    Always make me curious about the tree...what kind, how old, and on and on.

  7. Despite all your lovely photos of Man's skill at architecture I think I was most taken with the tree. What a work of art Nature created there!

  8. I love cathedrals and the grounds around them.
    Like Scriptor, I loved the tree. And are those rose bushes in that last photo? Beautiful!
    Thank you for taking me with you...

  9. Just wonderful. The soaring lines of the cathedral are so beautiful.

  10. What tales that tree could tell! Beautiful pictures.

  11. Beautiful pictures, a beautiful cathedral!

  12. As we have snow on the ground here is was so nice to see your pictures today and the green on the trees and the ground. I am looking forward to Spring and a little more color here. Those organ pipes there are huge. I can imagine the music coming out of them must be something to hear. As always I thank you for sharing your lovely sights.

  13. I love how the cathedral was built to capture all that wonderful light. Great images, Barbara.


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