Saturday 21 January 2012

Rochester Castle in August

Looking over the Medway River as we walk up to Rochester Castle
First timbers were built in 1066 after Norman (French) invasion

One of the best preserved castles of it's kind
The keep, seen here is 113 ft high and a notable element is it's one round tower set against three square towers. This is the result of a siege in 1215 by King John. 

We climb up and up and round and round
stopping off at each level

At the top now looking down on the cathedral which we will be visiting later

Looking down from the very top

I have to lean against Alan while I take photos up here as I do not like heights

Lots more to see in Rochester, the town associated with Charles Dickens, although he did not actually live here but a few miles away
Alan progressing well but still not allowed to drive for 2 more weeks
More because of insurance issues while he still has dressings on his legs


  1. I loved the photos of the castle it was beautiful.

  2. Beautiful. Thanks for the Alan update. Good to hear he's on the mend. Thanks for the pictures from the top of the tower - I don't care much for heights either. Funny thing, I don't notice going up - it's the coming down part that scares me.

  3. What beautiful sights you have in your country.
    How's your husband doing? Hope things are going well.

  4. Good afternoon (evening to you), Barbara. Everytime I read Rochester, I think Rochester, New York (where my mother grew up). Of course, this is not the place but what a breathtaking place it is. The interiors are magnificent. The views incomparable. What superlatives I use. I think I really LIKE!!! this place.

  5. So beautiful! It reminds me of an Irish castle.

    Glad that Alan continue to do well. We will add "driver" to your duties!

  6. That's quite a steep climb! What lovely views you captured while leaning on Alan. Two more weeks to freedom and I imagine that he is counting the days!

  7. Like you , I cant cope well with heights, but what amazing views there were from up there!

  8. Lovely photos, can't wait for the cathedral.
    Anything there devoted to Charles Dickens? If he lived there, any houses that you can see and photograph?
    Best healing wishes for your hubby.

  9. Glad to hear Allan is coming along. It is nice to look back on a warm summer day. That is some old castle!

    As I am typing this I am staring at your Melting Moment cookies...those looks so delicious. I think I need to go make a pot of tea, and watch Downton Abby woo hoo!!!

  10. Breath-taking to think this castle has stood for so many centuries. How different the view must've been from the high windows as the years passed. Wouldn't you love to see a time-lapsed photography through the centuries?! Best wishes and prayers for Alan.

  11. The Norman arches are so much more reminiscent of ecclesiastical buildings. I can't recall seeing so much obvious Norman architecture (as opposed to simple Norman building) in a castle before.

  12. I had to go through all my comments back to 2009 to find you I lost my blog list again. I am so fasinated with these castles. Funny I didn't visit one when I was there. I did take that boat ride up the river with swans and gorgeous homes and locks every so often. Loved Bond St.

    Happy new year Barbara


  13. I would love to stay there a week. Just did a post on Downton Abby
    I am so hooked on that TV show. Looked up Highclere castle. I love your post.

  14. Always such interesting pictures!


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