Saturday 1 October 2011

Leigh-on-Sea in an Autumn Heatwave

It's Saturday 1st October and we are sizzling in  86f heat, far hotter than anything we had in the Summer
Wednesday of last week we decided to go out to Leigh, have a walk and enjoy some sunshine. Being the middle of the week we were amazed at how many other people were out too
For newcomers to my blog I have done many posts on different aspects of this town as you will see from the sidebar
It is not far from home and sits on the Thames Estuary
Today we are walking along the front which is dominated by the fishing industry

We began with a picnic sitting at the tops of the cliffs where all the vegetation is definitely in Winter mode

before finishing off with a nice pot of tea here looking down over the sea

We then walk back to the top of the cliffs and make our way down

I don't think Alan is flirting, he is helping someone with the car parking machine

We will walk along taking some random pictures on the way

A seafood restaurant right next to the unloading quay

 People eating all kinds of shellfish next to the kiosk

and sitting drinking beer 

and tea for some

lunch for others

tea and cakes or ice-cream for others
as we had already lunched we had ice-cream

A walkway down to a restaurant deck

Sea Scouts boathouse

till we come to the beach
I put my camera away at this point and we take a good walk until it is time to turn around

We do not stop again for tea but visit the wife of our dear friend who passed away this summer and take tea with her

I can only imagine what it is like this weekend!!!


  1. Eighty-six degrees F? Oh my! I don't know if I'd receive it as a blessing or not. I hope that I would, but you know me. Grumble, complain...wah, wah, wah.

    Your comment about Alan made me chuckle. If he was flirting, you caught him on camera anyway. ☺

    Now you mentioned that hot tea is very good on a hot day and that made no sense to me whatsoever. Do you have more to add to that?

    I'm sure that your friend very much appreciated your visit and the opportunity to have tea time with you both. It's so important not to leave widows/widowers out.

  2. Barbara, I wonder how it makes you feel to know we are also sizzling at 86F here in Long Beach today....

    I'm so glad Blogger got rid of that bothersome slide show feature so I can enlarge your photos one at a time and really enjoy the details. Your photos are so wonderful it feels almost like I was there. I love that one with the window boxes and the lace curtains, and the row of tiny heart cutouts on the black shutters.

    It was obviously a day out for a lot of people when you visited...I'm guessing it is even more crowded today!

  3. Pretty scenes. Enjoy your photos of your walks. Interesting!

  4. What a great way to spend a Saturday. The photo of the Sea Scouts Boathouse, and the one with the red boat, and the smaller boats around it seems to tell a story. They would be beautiful, framed. Blessings.

  5. What a wonderful day, I felt like I was there with you! These scenes are SO British. They make me want to fly over to see my mum right now! She lives in St. Ives (me in the USA) Thank you for sharing.

    Hugs Lorraine

  6. I imagine all those people are out enjoying the warm weather knowing what's in store for later this autumn.
    Another post featuring England's diverse beauty.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Barbara.

  7. I enjoyed spending the day with you! What lovely places you have to visit.

    Isn't 86 very unusual for this time of year in England?

  8. It looks so lovely -- I only know Thorp Bay and Southend from family visits.
    I'm astounded by your weather.
    I'm going to wear a jacket here this morning!

  9. How lucky you are to enjoy a late summer.Here where I live in Southern Ireland its been raining persistently with fog as well!We got none of the high temps.predicted by the weathermen/women though other parts of the country did!Enjoy!Lovely pics.

  10. I loved th pictures, I can almost imagine being there. You are having about the same temperature that we are here in Oklahoma! But it's a cool spell for us!

  11. Our high today is predicted to be 85, and again tomorrow and the next day.... I guess I'm having weather envy. You're photos are beautiful - thank you for taking us along.

  12. I'm so glad I found your blog. I spent a week in England many years ago, and looking at your lovely pictures brought back memories of that wonderful time.


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