Tuesday 27 September 2011

Beer, Devon

We arrive in the town of Beer to see numerous Seagulls sitting on the sun warmed roofs of cars

A few shots of the town as we make our way down to the beach

A gully runs the length of the main street ferrying water down from the hills to the sea

The peaceful cove with fishermen aplenty 

fishermen's sheds with many people lunching in the pub garden to the left 

Looking left along the cliffs

 and up to the cliff top walks

with such large shingle, mats are put down to walk on

 the cliff top path from down below

erosion of these ancient cliffs with many rock falls

We eventually leave Beer and make our way a little along the coast to Seaton

in time to see this old tram leave the station

and on our way back stop at this tearoom in Mumsbury
not sure what Alan is up to!

These photos were taken in June but today on Tuesday the 27th September we are beginning an Indian Summer with temperatures in the 80's and set to last in to next week
A High Pressure from Greece is pushing back the Atlantic lows
So much appreciated after a cool and wet summer, the wettest for 15 years.
Of course my shorts and beach gear etc have all been put to bed for the winter. Might just have to get them out again.


  1. Hi Barbara, Do people rent out those sheds or own them? Is that common along the coast or beach? Once again thanks for sharing.
    All the best,

  2. There are so very many places in your country that the advert "charming" can truly be applied to. Delightful, pleasing, captivating, enchanting....

    The high harbor view is my favorite. And that channel along the street carrying water from the hills to the sea is so very Elizabeth Goudge. She has included such a feature in some of her novels.

    Alan looks like he's preparing to dance a jig!

  3. What a beautiful town. love the photos!

  4. I never thought I'd "drink in" Beer... Sorry, with a name like Beer you just have to make some kind of bad pun, don't you think so? Always love seeing UK sceens. Thanks again, Barbara!

  5. We were also in the 80s for the past week with high humidity...I had to turn on the AC, which is unheard of for September.

    I think that Alan is a.hiding or b.measuring the structure trying to decide if he's going to build you one in your garden. ☺☺☺

    The beach scene with everything in tidy rows is neat. I've never seen such a tidy beach.

  6. Beautiful! I think this is a pretty seaside town.

  7. Love the winding streets and the cliff walk. The pots of flowers are so pretty.

  8. We are really enjoying an Indian Summer too =) Doing the happy dance here. Great time to visit the beach...looks like you have the whole place to yourselves.

  9. We just spent a weekend in Devon - at Hartland - it was absolutely lovely. Never been to Beer, though!

    Pomona x

  10. It is nice to have pictures and material to post later into the fall and winter when we remember those outings. I'm impressed with the white-framed windows in Beer. How lovely! And the cliffs and look-out points. And the ocean view! All a breath of goodness!

  11. Hello Barbara...just stopped by to say that another English blogger has posted about Beer also! Her visit was last week. Marigold Jam is the name of the blog...it is so interesting to me, as I had never heard of Beer before and now twice in a week's time.

  12. Those chairs and mats weren't out when we were there, must have been too early in the season as I think it was May. who would have guessed we would be enjoying such great weather in October!

  13. We are in Kansas, USA, and are having an abnormally warm Indian Summer here... highs in the upper 80's fahrenheit... too warm! Your pictures are wonderful!


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