Saturday 11 June 2011

London on an April Sunday Pt.5

 Watching the Trooping of the Colour on TV this morning gave me the impetus to get on with posting more on London. I still have 80 photographs from just one day in April
The Trooping of the Colour is a yearly event and I think spectacular
How 250 horses can be trained to behave so well and to think that some of the horses are steered by the riders legs only as they use their hands to play instruments as they parade around Horse Guards Parade in front of the Queen whose birthday they are acknowledging.
I have never seen one horse or one soldier out of place
Our Queen is 85 and Prince Philip 90

Many people do not realise that in all the pomp and circumstance that these are regular soldiers serving in places like Afgh*anistan

We have the added fun of often seeing some of the planes from the flypast as they fly back to base over our home
Well, back to London in April

Here we have left The Mall and are crossing the road to
Trafalgar Square

It seems today that the square is full of demonstrations and protesters of one kind and another.

Many people are sitting watching
in front of The Walker art gallery 

We leave the square walking towards St. Martin in the Fields Church

before walking down the Strand which will be another post


  1. It looks like it was a beautiful day too. Are the demonstrators still there? I remember hearing about them during that period.

    Thanks for sharing the gorgeous pictures.

  2. So interesting to see what is going on around the world, a far cry from what is happening in these Kentucky hills. Have a good and Blessed day. Trisha

  3. I always loved the name of that church,St.Martin in the Fields!Presumably there were fields around it once upon a time?
    An uncle of mine worked in London for years and worked at the Strand Hotel at one time.Looking forward to more photos!

  4. Looks like you had nice weather in London. I am amazed at the military precision as you said. I have never seen any protesters, guess I was there when it was too cold!

  5. Loving the walk around London. Almost like being there! Good pictures ~

  6. I really enjoy walking with you wherever you go. Great to note your sense of enjoyment of life. :)

  7. Your posts remind me that it has been too long since I have been in London solely for pleasure. I'm enjoying my armchair tour.

    Have a wonderful Sunday.


  8. I did not know those very interesting things about the horses and horsemen. The evening news pointed out that Prince William was one of the horseman, but I would never have known his being so covered up by the hat. I don't know how they can see a thing. The evening news also told us that there was polite clapping for the Queen and loud cheers for the Duchess of Cambridge. Whatever for? ;> I mean the Queen has made it to her 85th birthday and that is something to truly celebrate.

    Back to are so good to take pictures of the signs made by the protestors even if you have little in common with their protests (I am assuming a lot here).

  9. I was able to watch the Trooping of the Colour on Austrian TV, imagine!

    Wonderful images of London, thank you!

  10. We enjoyed watching it too Barbara. Certainly is a wonderful event.

    One thing I didn't like is the type of guns they carry now. You'd think they would have traditional rifles. They looked out of place with the traditional uniforms. Maybe costs too much!

    Glad you enjoyed the day. You got some lovely shots.

  11. Fabulous pictures Thanks for posting them -I was converted on the steps of St Martin in the fields in 1972
    Good memories!

  12. I don't think I've ever seen the trooping of the colour, even on TV. Made for Joy's Mum went last week and got a glimpse of Kate :)

  13. Barbara, I enjoyed the interesting post about London! I regret I didn't get to visit there during my trip to England. Thanks for sharing your pictures!

  14. Barbara, I enjoyd the lovely pictures! I wish I could see London in person!

  15. I haven't seen Trooping the Colour since I was a child! But I was in London on Saturday at the V&A which was lots of fun - meeting up with some other bloggers.

    Pomona x


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