Thursday 16 June 2011

London on an April Sunday Pt. 6

Here we have some of London's 'Freeze Artists'
They are usually students earning some extra cash
Filled my pocket full of coins and dropped some in each pot
in order to take a photograph
How they stand still for so long I do not know
It would also be interesting to know how long it takes them to
get ready
Must take forever to remove the body paint too 
Double click a couple of times for detail
and London scenes

This one was clever as the tiny model mimicked the artist

Darth Raider believed me when I said I was frightened!
He said, 'It's ok there is no need to be!

This one was weird and a bit disconcerting
Looked like a monkey but it was the head of a man
obviously sitting inside a box

Life seems to have taken over big time recently
and there has not been much time for blogging
Hope to remedy that soon 


  1. Very interesting! I've never heard of these freeze artists before! Yes, I haven't had time to blog either--missing the posting--can't wait to get at it again!

  2. Oh my gosh...those are amazing!!! Yes, imagine getting that stuff off - or putting it on!

  3. I admire those guys so much! Cool :)

  4. And what a lovely sunshiny day you had, too. Summer has finally come here, too.

  5. I noticed the same thing in Honolulu, Hawaii AND Sydney! Your photos are interesting!

  6. Enjoyed seeing your city, Barbara!


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