Saturday 8 January 2011

White Chocolate, Lemon & Cranberry Squares and More

While we are on the subject of tea let's have a look in Barbara's Kitchen
 I Just love this recipe

Just out of the oven

White Chocolate, Lemon and Cranberry Squares

 7 oz unsalted butter,  9 oz white chocolate chopped
3 large eggs, 5 1/2 oz golden caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract, 7 oz plain flour, pinch of salt
finely grated zest of 1 lemon, 3 1/2 oz dried cranberries
icing sugar to dust

Pre-heat oven to 180C/350f/gas 4. Lightly grease a(10in x 10in) baking tin and line with non-stick baking parchment. Place a heatproof bowl over a pan of gently simmering water and melt the butter and half the white chocolate, whisking until smooth. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.
In separate bowl beat the eggs, sugar and vanilla until pale and frothy. Stir in the melted butter and chocolate mixture. Sift in the flour, salt and reserved white chocolate with the lemon zest and cranberries. Bake in the pre-heated oven for 35-40 minutes (or until the top is set). Leave to cool in tin 20-30 minutes. Remove from tin and cut into squares, then dust with icing sugar and serve.

Passion Fruit Traybake with Lime Drizzle

I have not kept this recipe as although tasty I could not stand all the Passion fruit seeds. Quite hard to bite in a light sponge.

Amaretti and Almond Sponge

This I served as a dessert. It had the amaretti biscuits broken up within the cake and whole ones on top of the sponge
This is another recipe I did not keep as it is made with mostly ground almonds and although delicious I find I have become sensitive to too many almonds which make my tongue very painful

Millionaire's Shortbread with Almond Base

The base here is made with ground almonds but I think I like the shortbread base better so again it is not a recipe I have kept


  1. It's pretty that Millionaire's Shortbread. (I have the same kind of troubles with cashews and I l.o.v.e. cashews.) You must have had home church or something to have baked so many delights. Thanks for the recipe! I imagine that it smelled heavenly.

  2. That grand son is a doll and your baking looks delicious.

  3. Barbara...I have a question..what is golden caster sugar? the cake looks very good. Balisha

  4. I am imagining all these delicious treats! And remembering those wonderful date scones, and the chocolate caramel shortbread, oh, and that amazing elderflower jelly dessert...

  5. Lovely recipes- the cranberry and choc one sounds delicious. I haven't baked in so long.

    The poppy linen is so well worked and beautiful.

  6. hmm,,,, that looks delicious!!
    have a nice sunday!

  7. Thank you for the recipe. I'm going to give it a try. I love cranberries, and of course, chocolate!

  8. My mouth is open and I just fell off the chair, Golly that looks sooooo good.

  9. Thanks for the recipe... Hope I do it justice.

  10. Hi Barbara,
    I was just reading through Noelle's Ramblings from a desert garden and came across your name and site. Love your photo of the corner of your garden. Looks so peaceful.

    Will have to take some time to read through your posts and we would love to visit the UK soon.

  11. It all looks very hungry-making!

  12. Oooh, these all look and sound so good. Thanks!

  13. How did I miss this post? YUM!!! It really sounds delicious and your recipe brings back my cooking experiences from when we lived in Epsom. I had now idea how to figure those gas mark numbers. I should have know you back then as it was all trial and error then.

  14. Barbara - you got me here! I am printing these out now! Thanks so much - this is wonderful!

  15. It all looks so good, Barbara

    Tracy :)


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