Thursday 13 January 2011

English Journeys

I bought myself a Christmas present
I just love this set of 20 Penguin paperbacks and know that I am going to get hours of pleasure from them.
The set is called 'English Journeys' and covers such a wide area of traditional English life written by many different authors.
The titles are as follows and I am sure I will be sharing some of the content from time to time.

1. Voices of Akenfield by Ronald Blythe
2. The Wood by John Stewart Collis
3. From Dover to the Wen by William Cobett
4. The Pleasures of English Food by Alan Davidson
5. Through England on a Side Saddle by Celia Fiennes
6. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard and other Poems
7. A Shropshire Lad by A. E. Housman
8. Cathedrals and Castles by Henry James
9. Walks in the Wheatfields by Richard Jefferies
10. The Beauties of a Cottage Garden by Gertrude Jekyll
11. Country Churches by Simon Jenkins
12. A Wiltshire Diary by Francis Kilvert
13. Some Country Houses and their Owners by James Lees-Milne
14. The Clouded Mirror by L.T.C. Rolt
15. Let us now Praise Famous Gardens by Vita Sackville-West
16. One Green Field by Edward Thomas
17. English Folk Songs by Ralph Vaughan Williams
and A.L. Lloyd
18. Country Lore and Legends by Westwood and Simpson
19. Birds of Selborne by Gilbert White
20. Life at Grasmere by Dorothy and William Wordsworth

In my next post I will tell you all you need to know about afternoon tea from a  page in book No. 4


  1. Books are always a gift I give myself. I've not seen a set like that before and it does look like something I'd enjoy too. Those will brighten up the gloomy days of winter for sure.

  2. This looks like just the kind of reading I enjoy as well. Just substitute writers who discuss life in New England. Hope that you have many cozy winter evenings enjoying your books. Looking forward to your discussion of tea.

  3. What a wonderful collection. I clicked the pic to read the titles before scrolling down. :-) Books are wonderful at this time of year.

  4. Hi Barbara...These books look like they are "right up your alley" as we like to say. I do love your posts on English life and customs and will look forward to many more as you read these books.I love books and a gift card for the book store is one of my favorite presents. Enjoy...Balisha

  5. I wonder if they sell the books here in the states. They sound interesting.

  6. What a marvelous set of books, Barbara! You have many hours of pleasure there. I am looking forward to your next post about afternoon tea.

  7. You have some of my favourite authors there. Gertrude Jekyll, William Cobbett just to mention two of them.
    What a lovely time you will have strolling through all those books!

  8. What a great set of books to while away long winter evenings. I'm looking forward to the tidbits you'll drop our way.

  9. Oh how lovely and something to get lost in - #20 for sure!

  10. How delightful to have the set. Should be a great read. I am looking forward to afternoon tea.

  11. I imagine that you will spend many pleasant hours with your eyes and nose in those books!

  12. Can't wait for a post on #5,-17-18-20 Hope you enjoy your Christmas
    present, I got an exersize bike
    better get on it before bed. I just mover all the living room furniture and I am knocked out. yvonne

  13. I received several good books for Christmas and a great gift card to a bookstore and my employer's gave me a wonderful gift card to
    Frankly it's (the Amazon one) burning a "hole" in my pocket but I am waiting to see what books I really want to get from them!!! HA!
    I always have a "list" it seems.
    Let me know how yours are...I might want them as well. HA!

  14. I love the books and look forward to all your posts regarding your readings.

    Take-Care and have a great week-end!

    Tracy :)

  15. I just checked this out at Penquin Books' website. What a treasure. No wonder you gave yourself a Christmas present. I bookmark the page so I could look at the collection in more detail. Oh darn - I just might be tempted.

  16. Arghhh... the books are tantalizing...I live in the US and CANNOT find this set anywhere... I tried looking on the Penguin site, but it's not listed, the individual books are listed, but not the set... please help me...

    Can anyone give me a link to where I can find these?

    First time on the blog, I signed up to become a regular reader.. thank you!


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