Thursday 2 September 2010

My Last on Coggleshall

This is my last post on Coggleshall and we will look at the exterior of Paycocks, a house built for Thomas Paycocke, around 1500
It is a grand example of the wealth generated by the cloth trade in the 16th century

and lastly Grange Barn that originally belonged to Coggleshall Abbey. Carbon dating suggests the original barn was constructed aprox. 1130 and was altered in the 14th century.
It continued in agracultural use until 1960 after which it was neglected.
It was then restored, taking 2 years, and completed in 1985.


  1. You posts always take me back to my childhood in the most super way!
    Thinking of you both.

  2. Those windows are amazing...21 panes of glass in each section...never've seen anything quite like them. Thanks, as always, for the tour! It reminds me once again, just how ancient history can be. :D

  3. Thanks for the pictures -- great old buildings!

  4. Gorgeous! Love the barn- was it an old tithe barn hence it being so big?

    I do like the old oak framed house. So much character.

  5. Dear Barbara, What an extraordinarily beautiful building and how pleased the craftsmen of that age must have been with their achievement.

  6. Wow, Paycocks IS a grand example! The exterior is really wonderful. The barn is amazing as well. I am so glad they had restored it. Is it in use today or just for viewing?

  7. It is a beautiful place and so well taken care of. It's nice that people have taken the time to refurbish old places like that. It's hard to believe that things can really last that long. Around her they are always tearing down buildings instead of trying to keep them up. I don't think the new ones are as well constructed either. Thanks for sharing your pieces of history there.

  8. Beautiful old barn. So many of our old barns here are being replaced with metal pole buildings.I used to love painting pictures of old barns...few and far between in our area. Balisha

  9. Such a fasinating building and that old brick work is fabulous.
    England is wonderful.
    thanks for this

  10. Hi Barbara,
    This is just awesome! It's so good that buildings like this are being restored and kept up. Here, we have a tendency to tear down and build new. Ugh...very little is restored unless it's some national monument. I know there are many privately owned houses in the UK that the owners restore and keep up, and that's nice. Thanks for sharing.
    My blog is down, but hopefully I'll be up and running again.
    Have a good day,
    Anne :-)

  11. Hello Barbara,
    Think the brick laid design on this structure is very interesting.

    We can sure learn alot from older buildings.

    God bless,

  12. There is such fine detail in the brick and timber exterior of Paycock House - amazing! I love the windows too.

  13. Hi Barbara!
    Your photos are fascinating. So old. Thank you for sharing!

  14. Absolutely stunning. The materials used in creating this house and the repetitious detail...mmmm..quite a work of art! Thanks for sharing this last post from Coggleshall.

  15. Wonderful post. I always enjoy my visits here.


  16. my mum and dad are volunteer stewards here!! :)) they were there this afternoon doing their bit..


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