Thursday 26 August 2010

The Clock Tower Tearooms

in Coggleshall. Our first port of call after leaving the car park. Today it will be for morning coffee.

One can enter through the back entrance straight from the car park

We watch the passers by while drinking our coffee and enormous home made scones with jam and butter

The view from outside with the ancient clock tower

And the plaque over the door which says
Clockhouse 14th and 15th century
rooms were leased here 1787-1859
to educate children of the poor with money bequeathed by
Sir Robert Hitcham

Returning back out into the garden through the side entrance
As you may have realised by now
the back tea garden is also a small garden centre and this is where I bought my new rockery plants

A nice place to have coffee, lunch or tea
inside or out depending on the weather


  1. very nice and beautiful place.

  2. So many photos and so much to see in each one. I am struck by the lines of those roofs...very wavy and interesting. I take it that they are also very strong!

  3. I loved going on the tour with you today. Some of my favorite things to do ever, tea, scones and a garden tour.

    Eden called me this morning and asked if she could go to lunch with Nana. I always include a garden shop on these trips too! She just loves it. I figure I need to start her love of gardening as soon as I can, so I can have a great little helper.

  4. How nice everything looks there. I guess it would be the place to be in nice weather. Lovely displays of plants and I love the stained glass window hanging.

  5. It certainly looks a lovely place to stroll through.

  6. As always, your photos make me thing of fairy tales. Maybe most Americans react to English things in a similar way! :)

    And everything is so lush. Wonderful!

  7. What a nice place to visit and have my favorite things~tea and flowers/plants! Thanks for sharing. ♥♫

  8. OO delicious!
    The white ironwork looks like it stepped out of a fairy tale- so charming.

    Coggeshall looks like such an interesting place.

  9. Yum!
    Have a super holiday weekend!

  10. Beautiful! I only wish I could sit there and enjoy tea with you!

  11. Beautiful and charming. I do love those old wavy roofs and half-timbered buildings!

  12. Beautiful photos what a lovely place!

  13. I wish I could just follow you. This is so Charming. I would love a scone and coffee there.

  14. Hi Barbara,
    I don't know how I found your blog, but I'm so glad I did! What beautiful pictures, and such a lovely village, Coggeshall. I have made a note of this as a place to check out on my next visit to the UK. I have dear friends that live in Long Crendon, Bucks, and all I have to do is skirt north of London and into Essex for tea and scones at this beautiful little tea room. Thanks for sharing,
    Blessings to you,

  15. I love how the English do plant shops combined with tea rooms. Such a pleasure to visit.

  16. oh sooooooooooooooooo beautiful!!! My heart wants to be there right now!

  17. Hi Barbara,
    Thank you for visiting my blog.
    I'm not too familiar with Essex, but do plan to check it out. :-)
    We lived in Astley-Bridge, near Bolton, Lancs., for a year and have traveled back many times since, but I never got east of London.
    I am totally enjoying your blog.
    Thank you so much for sharing,
    God bless,

  18. Enchanting place.

    Sipping tea or coffee from the inside of this place would be such fun.

    God bless,

  19. This looks like a fun place to have tea. I'm catching up on blogging after a busy week or so. There are many details to absorb in your lovely photos.


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