Monday 16 August 2010

Prayer Walking

Last week I was taking part in a prayer walk  that encompasses the perimeter of the Borough in which I live. Day one had to be abandoned due to torrential rain for most of the day.
Day 2 we were on our way and managed to accomplish about 8 miles.
I have to say that I did not walk the following day as I was really feeling the effects of such a long walk, having not walked this distance for some time.
Tomorrow the walk continues but the weather forecast is not good.
Having had such dry and hot weather we are now experiencing lots of rain and quite cold winds. The forecasters say this will be the pattern mostly until November!!

We begin in good walking weather,warm but not hot, dry and with a light breeze. It is about 11.30 am. Before setting out we spend an hour in prayer and soaking up the Lord's presence together, ending up with communion.

We startle the deer who were lying resting

A couple of nicely placed tree trunks in this park remind us it is time for lunch

I love the sense of peace looking across this field of wheat

then over the brow of the hill and we see it is not as isolated as it seems

At this point we join the 'London Loop' for a while. This is a footpath that skirts the whole of Greater London

A ditch to cross

This horse was determined to walk with me

The view to the north of our neighbourhood

but not going home yet, I enjoy the Redwoods as we walk through a local country park

and the sun shining through the trees

The London skyline on the horizon as we near the end of today's walk


  1. How wonderful to have the prayer as a foundation for a beautiful walk. I can imagine that 8 miles would be quite a hike!

  2. Dear Barbara, How amazing that this walk is to be found in London. It seems to me to have been the perfect choice for a walk that combines prayer together with the glory of Nature.

  3. What a wonderful place to walk and think of our Creator.

  4. Oh my, eight miles would quite do me in for sure. It looks and sounds lovely for those that can do it. I'm surprised to hear you are cold. Much of our country has been suffering from heat. This morning though we have a delightful cool breeze blowing and I'm enjoying it very much.

  5. What a beautiful walk and a wonderful cause for it! I do hope the weather held up for the finish.

    You should have jumped up on the horse and given your legs a little rest. ;)

  6. Until you showed the skyline beyond the wheat field, we might have been in Kansas. What fun to see these hay fields with London beyond. Thank you for always sharing your beautiful corner with us. Hope that you regain your walking legs very soon. It doesn't take long to lose them. And I'm hope that the weather pundits are wrong. What do they know anyway?

  7. Amazing to think such space exists for walking so close to a big city like London,love the last pic! You must be fairly fit to undertake that walk!

  8. Praying while walking is something I like to do as well. And your walk looks like it was full of beauty and inspiration.

  9. What energy you have Barbara. Must have been a lovely walk although as you say 8 miles is a long way.

    Love that sunlight through the trees photo and the London skyline too.

    Hope Alan is recovering well.

  10. What a beautiful place to prayer walk. )It's much lovelier than where I prayer walked in South Los Angeles/Watts.) I agree that it's amazing to find so much natural beauty and rural scenery so close to London.

  11. Wonderful Prayer walk. Enjoyed seeing the pictures of this special time.

    Fantastic time you must have had.
    God bless,

  12. Wow, you have redwoods? They are beautiful!!

  13. What a beautiful walk- horses deer and the colour of those red wood trunks!

    I think wheat fields often look like oceans when the wind moves over them in ripple after ripple. :-)

    Thanks for sharing Barbara.

  14. How interesting to find a young redwood forest in England.

    I am enjoying all the beautiful and varied scenery from your 8-mile walk. That is a VERY long walk! I don't know if I could have done it.

  15. Hi Barbara,
    Thank you so much for entering my contest...I'm hoping this trip will indeed be a "restful journey!" But since I am going to see my never knows. HA! I am hoping for "the best" however. HA!
    I LOOOOOVED your "prayer walking" post.
    And I too along with the others can't believe this is near LONDON! Amazing that near the hustle and bustle of such a famous and large city..there can be a place of "rest, and peace."
    That's great, just goes to show us all that the "presence of the Lord" is always near to those that seek Him.
    Thanks for posting this! And I am so glad you took this litle looks to have been a great ideal and a wonderful memory!

  16. Barbara,
    You must be in teriffic shape.
    The heat is very dangerous.


  17. I love the idea of a prayer walk and I love that you took photos on the way. ;-)


  18. Lovely to see the photos of where you walked. Don't know if you knew but i was on that walk with you. I'm the one who prays for you all from home and looks things up if Jane or Linda texts me. I just wish i was fit enough to actualy walk.
    Jenny <><

  19. Barbara!
    I have not been to visit your blog in ages and so I really enjoyed this post!Your lovely England looks so much like our lovely Oregon and I am simply amazed and blessed by this.:)
    Blessings from Oregon~Sharon <3


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