Saturday 21 August 2010

A Browse Around Coggleshall

Here we are leaving the car park on our way to a favourite tea room in Coggleshall last week. We will visit the tea room for coffee in my next post but first I will take you walking with me around the town.

Coggeshall, is a small attractive town once based on trade in wool and cloth, it is full of Timber-framed houses and has over 250 listed buildings

The wool trade was started by monks in the 12th Century, and the remains of the abbey, a chapel and the Grange barn can still be seen. The town was also once famous for its lace.

The BBC's Lovejoy series was filmed in the area

It is said that ley lines - energy lines linked to the earth's magnetic field - actually cross in Coggeshall, creating friction, and strange events.

Alan staring at the old fashioned sweet display

The sign over the door says 1560 AD

The post man gets back onto his bike

Peeping into someone's back yard

The Woolpack Inn
Will be having our lunch later at Marks Hall
Hope you enjoyed your walk and got a flavour of the town


  1. Dear Barbara, What a fascinating small town and one which I have never visited so, as you may imagine, I have particularly enjoyed this tour. The architecture of the buildings is lovely and I do admire the colour washes. In my mind it looks not unlike Lavenham, most likely of a similar period. What a pity, as you must feel, that motor cars are permitted!!

  2. Very nice stroll through town. Some things never change like wash being hung on a line or sweet treats being lined up in a shop window. You went to have coffee in the tearoom? That seems so interesting to me. :D To own a home built in 1560 would seem so unusual to me, but there's the difference between a baby country and an ancient one.

  3. The pictures are not just 'enlightening' for the eyes, but the soul too they take for a subtle walk. Thanks for sharing. I admire you Aunt Barbara:). Keep up the excellent job. Love.

  4. Barbara,
    It has been so long since I posted...Please visit my blog for the happy news!

  5. Lovely, lovely, lovely scenes.


  6. What a lovely old town. It's hard to believe that something built in 1560 is still so nice and well kept. Our older buildings are not half so nice nor are they half as old. Our country is so new compared to yours.
    Thanks for sharing your visit

  7. Barbara...this is all too lovely. I'm envious that you get to see this *in person*! So pretty, and some of my very favorite things to look at.

    My goodness...England is so sweet-looking---at least your part! :)

    Hope you're both well.

  8. Your post brought back such wonderful memories Barbara. My husband worked in Coggeshall, and we didn't live that far away, in Silver End. It is such a beautiful village, steeped in history. Looking forward to your tea room visit. Thanks for the memories.

  9. Thank you for the very historical walk. I enjoy these half-timbered all seems very exotic and so different from what I usually see every day here where I life.

    I used to watch Lovejoy hasn't been shown here in a long time.

  10. What a wonderful place full of history to explore. The colours on the houses are a quilter's dream.

  11. Thanks for the lovely tour. I will enjoy seeing more. Balisha

  12. Hello Barbara

    Lovely pictures and Coggleshall seems to be a beautiful village.
    Have you ever been to Lyme Regis?

    Tracy :)

  13. What a great place. Nice to see Alan back on his feet again.

    Lovely buildings and those sweetie jars took me back!

  14. What a charming town, Barbar. I would have enjoyed the walk with you. That sweet shop would have been one of my stops!!! The shops and homes are just charming.

  15. I want the blue house, or perhaps the pink one. No wait! The one by the creek and the weeping willow tree! So many lovely homes!

  16. I loved this charming village and trip there! Thank you Barbara!

  17. Beautiful, it looks like a gorgeous town! I really don't know your area of the country at all - I've been to Essex very briefly, and I've never been to Suffolk or Norfolk - it's lovely seeing these areas from your photos.


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