Monday 19 July 2010

Garden with a Difference

The Gibberd Garden.Four more days until Alan is admitted for further investigations and surgery. Decided last week whilst waiting, to have a trip out fairly locally and decided on this unusual garden. Not particularly pretty but interesting all the same.

Sir Frederick Gibberd prepared the master plan for Harlow New Town in 1946 then in 1957 he bought a property on the edge of town. From then on until his death in 1984 he created this unusual garden laying down much of the garden's hard landscaping himself. 

This is what he wrote about the garden: "Garden design is an art of space, like architecture and town design. The space, to be a recognisable design, must be contained and the plants and walls enclosing it then become part of the adjacent spaces. The garden has thus become a series of rooms each with it's own character, from small intimate spaces to large enclosed prospects" Into this setting some 80 items of sculpture, ceramic pots and architectural salvage were introduced. Just a few of them shown here.

The dreaded Japanese Knotweed below, that wants to take over our country!


  1. Barbara,
    I hope all goes well with your husband and the Doctors.. I will say a prayer for him and you too. This is a fabulous Garden It's just Beautiful. That tree house looks fun..

  2. Lovely and very unusual garden. Prayers for you and Alan.

  3. That is a big garden with many rooms and I love the archway of trees with a path in the middle. Having a small space at my house I couldn't imagine dealing with all that but I suppose many care for it. I hope your time of waiting has allowed Alan and you to recoup and gain some strength for what is ahead. Surgery is never very pleasant but I'll be praying for a good outcome. Thank you for sharing your walk around those grand grounds.

  4. What an interesting set of pictures, i might go and visit that garden.


  5. Yes, "interesting" is the word for this garden. Some elements are wonderful like the trees planted to create a corridor of sorts. Not particularly fond of the statuary, but the giant pot in the final photo is intriguing.

    You've written another "About Me" and added a new photo. Love how you describe your life!

    Will be thinking of and praying for Alan as he returns to the hospital for surgery and for his number one nurse. ;>

  6. I do enjoy seeing sculptures in the gardens. I wish I had been there with you to walk through the garden.

    Best of luck to Alan. I will be adding lots of extra prayers for him during that time.

  7. How the roll of trees...and the columns. Thanks for sharing, I needed a little glimpse of heaven.

    Prayers for you and Alan...

  8. This is a different garden than the typical English one. It has its own beauty, and all the interesting sculptures add focal points.

    I hope Alan's surgery and results are good. I'll be praying for you.


  9. Basildon, Harlow........hmmm
    The 1950's Essex that we didn't love too much
    except for the super public swimming pool in Hornchurch.
    However, most interesting to see contemporary sculpture in a garden setting.
    Wishing Alan much fortitude for his next hospital visit.
    Thinking of you both.

  10. The garden is wonderful, I sure hope Alan is not in pain. I have been thinking about you both.
    God with you both, Patsy

  11. Thoughts and prayers are with you both. It's an awful time waiting.

    What a lovely place. Seems very unusual but peaceful too.

  12. Hello,
    Healing wishes to Alan. I hope he does well. Both of you take care...and keep us posted.
    Blessings, Balisha

  13. I was just thinking of Alan and wondering how things were progressing when I saw your post. Waiting can sometimes be difficult so I'm pleased you found an adventure close to home. Yes, this is an usual garden but it is fascinating none the less.

  14. It is interesting for sure. Hope that Alan does well :) I like how they integrate all those figurines inside, makes it more unique. Hugs...M

  15. What lovely sculptures. Just delightful to come and take a break and just enjoy your garden.

  16. Interesting artwork in the garden. Still praying for Alan.

  17. Hello Barbara - good to see you are keeping occupied although I know first hand about waiting games.... I hope it all goes well.

    Planning another trip to your neck of the woods to see my friend - it would be so nice to meet if you are free at that time.... don't know when yet!!!!

    Peace and Love

  18. Hello Barbara

    This is the first time I've visited you.
    I've also become a follower after reading sefveral of your very interesting posts.

    This garden is a credit to it's maker and the wonderful art works he provided for others to enjoy.
    I particularly like the walk beside the bare tree trunks.

    I read where your husband is having tests done today - the best of luck with that.
    God Bless you.

    Please come and visit me one day and I'll get out my prettiest teacups and make you very welcome.

  19. Dear Barbara, By a somewhat circuitous route I have found myself here and how pleased I am to have arrived.

    I have found your virtual tour of the Gibberd Garden fascinating, especially so as I have never visited it. I do like the juxtaposition of contemporary and traditional although some of the 'effects' were rather busy in my view. I loved the simple avenue of trees set aginst the gravel. Perfect.

    I have signed up as a 'Follower' in order to keep in touch.

  20. What an unexpected garden; it's so unusual compared to so many that you have shared with us. I think I like this one very much because of its uniqueness. The art and sculpture at every turn, teases the eye towards new vistas. I especially like that 3rd picture down. I can't, for the life of me, figure out why, but it holds my eye and I keep going back to it.


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