Friday 23 July 2010

The Dawn of a New Day

Isn't this sunset amazing - a reminder of the greatness of our God. The sunset here this week and

a new day dawned
in more ways than one

I want to say a great big thank you to all my blogging friends that have been praying for Alan along with literally hundreds both here and around the world. They did not find anything in his bladder yesterday when looking for a 'mass'. He is home now and getting used to the joy of not having the catheter that he has needed for the last six weeks. He will be undergoing some further tests and checks in two weeks time. So Alan is looking to getting back to normal and I am hoping for some R & R and catching up with you all.

Blogger tells me that I have now reached 500 posts. My records show that it is 486. I think blogger counts the ones that were deleted when I realised that I had already begun one previously.

This week I received comments from 10th March, don't know whether this is the fault of my server who linked in with Google at that time or a blogger issue. I was glad to receive them anyhow and apologies if I did not get back to you.


  1. good news about Alan, hope he returns to normal activity quickly, be sure to take some time for yourself

  2. So pleased to hear about your husband. My husband recently had a biopsy that thankfully came back clear.
    Jenny <><

  3. Dear Barbara, What happy news which I am certain will have made the sunsets and dawns look just that bit brighter than usual. These crises in our lives have a way of making us take much more notice of the beauty of our natural world.

  4. This is such excellent news.
    I bet you and Alan --and all your friends --breathed
    a large sigh of relief.
    Now for a little relaxation and recuperation
    and, we hope, some relaxing in the garden.
    This is so pleasing.
    All best wishes and happy weekend.

  5. I am so happy to hear the good news. I will still keep him and you in my prayers.


  6. Thanks for letting us know the good report on Alan.

  7. Oh, I'm praising the Lord on this side of the ocean! What wonderful news. Get some rest, my friend, and enjoy every minute of time together now that you know the results. I will keep praying as he undergoes more tests. Believing for good news every step of the way!

  8. I am so happy for you and Alan with the good new.

  9. Barbara, Lifted you and Alan up in prayer.

    May you get some much needed rest and be refreshed. Healing to your husband.

    The skies are gorgeous...absolutely gorgeous.

    God richly bless you and may you have a restful week-end,

  10. Thank you for sharing the news of your recent blessing. My best to you and Allan.

  11. That is good news for sure. Glad you can both get some rest now and I think normal is wonderful.

  12. What joyous news about your husband. I'm so pleased to hear your weekend can truly be filled with thanksgiving.

    You'll both relax, I'm sure. :) I know if I was in your shoes I'd be exhausted. The not knowing is awful, but for no mass to be found. God is so good!

    Take care, and enjoy one another!

  13. Oh good news!! I'm so glad to hear!

  14. Good news Barbara! Such a beautiful sunset!!

  15. Praise the Lord for such wonderful news. You must be so relieved.

  16. That is wonderful news, Barbara. Both of you must feel a great sense of relief right now. I hope you can both relax and enjoy your summer, and that the upcoming round of tests and checks will also be good news.

  17. What great good news! I'm quite certain that Alan can get used to normal without any difficulty. Walking outta here to go read about your grand's birthday with a grin on my face...


I do appreciate your comments very much - they enhance my day. Thank You.