Saturday 19 June 2010

A Walk Around my Mid-June Garden

Time for a walk around the garden but before doing so I want to sincerely thank all my blogging buddies who have left comments or E-mailed assuring us of their prayer support during this difficult time. Prayers are going out from around the world along with hundreds praying over here. I was also surprised to know that many who E-mailed are facing health problems in their own families too.As they pray for us and we pray for them, what a network of prayer is going out around the world. Alan is comfortable at home waiting more tests, cameras and scans but frustrated to not have the energy he is used to. So again, thank you and off we go around the garden.

Not forgetting a couple of very different sunsets this week.


  1. Thank you for sharing your wonderful garden. It looks to be in it's glory right now with so much blooming. The sunsets are magnificent too! I will continue to pray for you both.

  2. What beautiful photos they are.

  3. Your garden is beautiful! As I looked at the pictures I thought: What a beautiful place to walk and talk with your Heavenly Father - and to be still and KNOW that HE is God! Praying for both of you, my friend.

  4. The pictures are so lovely. I will continue to say prayers for Alan and Your family.

    God Bless,


  5. Glad to hear that Alan is at home with you. Thanks for taking us along on your garden tour.

    I find that being in the garden draws my thoughts to the One who created it all, and who cares for me. It can be a very calming place in the midst of difficulties.


  6. Oh I'm glad to read that Alan is feeling comfortable despite the lack of energy. Sometimes, I guess we just get to rest whether or not we'd like to.

    Your garden is so beautiful. When I got to the red rose, I stopped scrolling immediately. What a corker that one is!

    And thanks, too, for including the lovely sunset pics...a result of the volcano still?

    Take care, my friend, and know that prayers are surrounding you. What comfort in that...

  7. Gorgeous photos, so pleased your hubby is improving.

  8. Dearest Barb,
    Lovely pictures of your garden.

    I have been dealing with some health issues as well...caught me abit off guard...understand this emotional meltdown stuff...will be praying for you and your sweet hubby.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you,
    d from homehaven

  9. What is the purple-leafed bush 3 photos from the top? Our next door neighbor has that, or something very similar, and I've never known the name of it. It gets very large! :)

  10. I really do think that English gardens are at their best in mid June!

  11. So glad you have the energy to make such a super vibrant post.
    "Glorious June" indeed.
    So very lovely.
    My best to you both and especially to Alan.

  12. So glad things are a little more comfortable for now.June looks like a good time for a walk in your garden.

  13. Your garden is so beautiful. Your views out the windows must be lovely. I hope that things get better for your husband. My husband is awaiting back surgery. It will be on the 6th of July. We have faith that he will walk without pain once again, but it will be a long summer of recuperation.My prayers go out to you and your hubby...Balisha

  14. Stunning picture of the flowers, will definitely make my day. Keep posting.

  15. Lovely to see your garden in such splendor. The roses and clems look gorgeous together. And the white flowers look lovely. Continuing to pray for Alan's health and patience.

  16. your garden looks wonderful!

  17. The garden is glorious. I'm so glad Alan is home resting. I'll be praying for him in the days to come.

  18. Your garden is so beautiful! I wish I could stroll through it.

    I am glad to hear your husband is home, and praying his health will improve.

  19. Your garden is just beautiful, Barbara. One can see all the love you have put into it.

    I am continuing to keep you in my prayers.

  20. Your garden is especially colorful right now. So many lovely roses too, and I can remember their sweet fragrance very well!

    Hugs to Alan. Prayers too, of course. Just imagine all the prayer going on in this world every minute...until reading your post this evening, I hadn't thought about it like that before. It's rather amazing.

  21. Beautiful Barbara, and your lavender is amazing!

  22. Love your garden. Everything is so alive outside right now. I hope Alan is sitting in your garden right now just listening to the bird song and breathign in the air perfumed by all your flowers.

  23. All the photos are beautiful, but I especially love the sunsets! Hope you have a blessed day.

  24. So much enjoyed your beautiful garden Barbara... I’m pleased that you and Alan have taken time to smell the roses..... isn’t it just a delicious time of year... and here we are midsummer’s day and its been glorious day.

    I’m so pleased to read that Alan is comfortable at home with you..... enjoy this precious day and may you feel the comfort and strength from all the prayers that are being said for you both. Blessings - Marion

  25. Simply beautiful. I wish I could get my garden to look that lovely.

  26. Wonderful photographs! Praying for your husband and for you at what must be a difficult and frustrating time

  27. these are lovely photos.
    Just thought I'd tell you I've posted 2 more chapters from your life.
    I like sharing from a wide variety of that people see God's stuff takes place in a whole manner of ways and timings and that's what makes sharing such fun.

    Wow....God did what with you?
    I had a "Wow...God did what with you " moment in your Chapter 22.

    Christine had just had gold appear on her hand I think that very same week I read yours.
    my hands are still goldless!

  28. Barbara, Your roses are just gorgeous! You definitely have a green thumb. Love your sunset photos too. I have difficulty getting good sunset photos - it always looks MUCH prettier to my eyes...guess I might need to upgrade my camera.
    Blessings to you and Alan, Beth

  29. You certainly have a green thumb.
    What beautiful roses and the garden is great,



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