Tuesday 22 June 2010

Surprise Visits

The week before Alan was admitted to hospital I met up with an old friend from the States who was visiting over here. The chosen venue for an evening of dining and chatting was Ma*ryg*reen Manor about 5 miles away. This hotel and restaurant has lots of history and a lovely atmosphere so I knew it would make an interesting post.
The Manor is a fine example of early sixteenth century architecture and was initially the home of Henry Roper, gentleman servant to Catherine of Aragon. In 1535 Robert Wright son of a local nobleman, took up residence and named this lovely house his Manor of Mary Green after his young bride.

A pleasant half hour was spent here while the chef was preparing our meal. Note the stairway on the right.This leads to private dining.

Beautiful oak panelling and ceiling
The restaurant is situated in the old baronial hall

Our choice of desert was certainly worth a picture. Various forms of chocolate, sauce, cake oozing with chocolate, salted caramel ice-cream with a decorative spoon made of sugar. These days chefs need to be artists too or maybe someone else decorates the plates for them.

The back of the house curtesy of the brochure.
I did not take a photo myself not wanting to invade the privacy of those taking refreshment outside

That same week we had a visit from some old friends from Holland. We had not seen them in almost 30 years when they had stayed with us with their then young family.

Having had Chuck from Ohio visit recently, who again had spent many visits with us in the early 70's it was interesting to hear people's stories and experiences over the passage of time.


  1. Your photos are always such a treat...and so pretty. My mouth would be constantly hanging open if I'd gone to such a lovely restaurant!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to share, and I guess it's just as much a wonderful record for you to keep of your outings.

    Hope all is well. :)

  2. It is always good to see friends to catch up. Talking with them in person and enjoying a good meal is so very different and better than a letter or an e-mail. The pictures were beautiful. I can only imagine the history in places like that. It's good they are being used and that the public can enjoy them.

  3. So much fascinating history is so close to your home! How lovely to be able to see old friends. Praying for Alan, still...

  4. I am one of your faithful readers who never leave a comment....just had to tell you that I am praying for Alan.
    Thank for taking the time to posts the nice pictures. I am sure it was interesting to be with friends you haven't seen in a long time.

    Again, I know all your readers are praying for Alan. Take care

  5. Dear Barbara, This chocolate dessert looks awesome! and the place of dining outstanding.

    What a pleasant place to eat, sit and chat with a dear friend. Wonderful for you.

    Pray your dear husband is doing better.
    God bless,

  6. Barbara, hope your husband is well. Those pictures are lovely and the dessert is indeed a work of art!

  7. Meeting up old friends is always so wonderful. But that dessert...oh yes, I would have photographed it, too. Truly artistic.

  8. That style always says "Shakespeare" to me; my being such an architectural expert and all. ;> What a lovely place to visit and catch up with old, good friends. That dessert looks incredible!

  9. Think of Alan and hoping he is doing a little better?
    I had never heard of this wonderful house. Such a treat to go there.
    Chocolate desserts look stunning.

  10. That looks like such a delightful place to visit and to dine! The architecture is just amazing, but the desert alone was worth the visit.

    Keeping you in my prayers.

  11. What a beautiful and interesting place full of history! Praying your husband is better.

  12. I love the Baronial Hall - beautiful!

    It must be so fun to have visitors from all around the world.

  13. There are so many beautiful details in the manor. Which of those works of art called dessert did you choose?

    Blessings to you both.

  14. I am catching up this morning only to find that Alan is ill. I am praying for you both that you will feel surrounded with the Lord's presence. I hope that he is better by now but seeing in your post that he is still in the hospital. Your pictures are delightful as always. That plate of dessert... amazing. Also enjoyed the tour of your yard. Please let us know how we can pray for you.

    Hugs and prayers,

  15. I enjoyed visiting vicariously through your photos!

  16. My thoughts and prayers are with Alan. Glad you had a lovely catch up with your friend. Take care darling.

    Love & Hugs

  17. i really love to see your photos and we had a lovely trip to england and wales. we saw some lovely houses and wonderful gardens. ohhh i so would like an english garden but we have too many possums and walabies.

  18. Dear Barbara~
    I just discovered your blog today and I wanted to tell you that you blessed me today! For YEARS I have wished for a 'penpal' from another country (preferably one who loves English cottages and tea!), someone I could exchange recipes and 'small tokens' with! Do I dare believe that God granted me my hearts desire?!
    I do so pray that God will doubly bless you today and I thank you for bringing a sweet bit of sunshine in to my life!
    Blessings~ Patty

  19. IF/WHEN I ever get back there I wan to visit you one of these days, if I may, Barbara. you are such a gracious host as indeed would I be too. :)

  20. What a wonderful place to dine and explore. The paneling was gorgeous.

    I hope Alan is improving. Glad you had so many visits from old friends before he was ill. It must've been lovely catching up.

  21. Barbara, Thanks for the comment. I know I would love to live in England. Such wealth of historical buildings. I stayed in London for 3days that was my last stop on an
    18 day trip around Europe. I was alone had no reservations anywhere.
    I'd jump off the train anywhere, it was great. Sorry I never made it to Sheffield, that's where my Mom's Mother was from.
    That fireplace and paneling are so beautiful.The meal looked fantastic. Yvonne

  22. My comment won't go through. That is a gorgeous building. I could live in England, as I love history and historical buildings. Yvonne


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