Monday 21 December 2009

Santa Came Carol Singing

"Snow has fallen snow on snow"! Conditions treacherous with heavy snow, sheets of ice after slight thaw, more snow on top, more ice, snow, freezing fog. Travelling chaos, four London airports closed, with Heathrow cancelling all but long haul. Eurostar cancelled after 5 trains were stranded under the channel for a night (variation in temperatures between below freezing and warm air in the tunnel), normal network trains cancelled or delayed, cars abandoned in places, A & E departments overloaded in some places due to the number of breakages and fractures in people slipping on ice. Chaos at the ferry terminals as people try to catch ferries to Continental Europe instead. All in all, not a good time to be travelling.

Fortunatly we have no reason to travel but are still very aware of the difficulties some people have found themselves in, particularly those travelling with children. Yesterday found us close to home, first at our house church Christmas party where Alan was Santa again. The young children did not seem to mind that his robe was being used by the carol singing Santa and accepted that sometimes he may just turn up in his grey shirt!

After the party it was quick change into thermals and woollens etc to go carol singing in our neighbourhood. The snow here does not look much but it is solid ice.

We do not collect money but hand out gifts of chocolate to all the children that come to their front doors.

All in all people were very appreciative and expressed their joy saying how much they missed hearing carol singers these days. By the time we had finished most people were glad to be invited into the home of one of the carol singing families to enjoy some warmth along with mulled wine.
Golden Wedding post yet to come


  1. Oh, but it does look like winter there. I have been hearing of the very cold, icy and snowy conditions over there. I am glad to see that it did not stop you from the wonderful celebrations.

    Stay safe and have a blessed Christmas week.

  2. That's lovely Barbara. Yes we miss the carol singers too. You always used to hear the Salvation Army but have not heard them for years. Really sad.

    Nioce you were invited in to enjoy the mulled wine.

    Hope you have a lovely Christmas.

  3. It has been several years since I've heard the carolers in our neighborhood. They used to come and I loved it so. One year I'd just baked cookies so shared some with them all. You were so generous in sharing with others on a cold icy night.

  4. Dearest Barbara,
    Sounds like Maine.We go singing Carols to the House bound sick.
    Most the time we are invited in.
    This year I pulled my back out. OHHH !!!!the pain. I begged off.

    We go on a bus. The horse and wagon stopped a few years ago, we are all to old to get in and out.
    This year we cancelled because of freezing weather,ice.Nobody needs to slip and break a leg.
    I ventured out tonight, the christmas lights are better this year. Had to get Tramadol. I get a few hours relief.

    The Airlines here are all cancelled It's a mess.
    North east coast got slammed with snow. we are getting more
    tonight. Wishing you and your family good Health, happiness and love
    Merry Christmas, Yvonne XXX

  5. Very sad that such horrible weather happens at Christmas time. And, what were they shouting in Copenhagen a few days warming. Makes you think, doesn't it? Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  6. This is a good time to stay close to home.And it is fun to go carol singing.
    Merry Christmas
    Hugs Patsy

  7. England looks just like Pacific Northwest US during a snowstorm. It's not the snow that's dangerous; it's the ice lurking underneath. Stay warm and safe!

    I know our youth group went caroling but I don't know where. Last night was our lovely Christmas choir concert at church.

  8. What a fun time you are having all nice and cozy in your home church.

    I love your new sink too!

    Stay warm and safe.

    Have a wonderful holiday with the grands...I cant' wait ;)

  9. Oh my, the snow. I love that line you quoted - I have a Twila Paris Christmas CD on which she sings In the Bleak Midwinter.

    How wonderful that you went caroling. Stay warm now.

    Christmas blessings to you and Alan.

  10. That is a lot of snow. We got some here but not that much. The ice makes it difficult but I think most of it is now gone as it has stayed above freezing for a few days.

  11. What fun to sing together. We miss Carol singers here.

  12. It's been quite eventful!! Good to see you carol singing... brave in the cold!! Have a wonderful Christmas Barbara :)

  13. Your garden is beautiful in the snow! I look at those snow-covered chairs and remember how we enjoyed tea there on a warm summer afternoon as the roses' sweet scent wafted through the air and the birds sang...

    I can see that Alan makes a perfect Santa, in costume or out of it!

  14. It remains many years ago, when I went to England during winters. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND ALL THE BEST FOR THE 2010 From the cold (but snowless) IBIZA.

  15. I love to hear carols being sung - it doesn't happen often around here.

    I'm just hoping you get a big thaw there for tomorrow - my friend will be travelling from there to my house for Christmas providing there is no more snow!!!

    Happy Christmas Barbara!

  16. Wishing you Christmas blessings.


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