Thursday 24 December 2009

Our Golden Wedding Celebrations

Just a few non-too invasive photos of our Golden Wedding celebration. Considering so many people over the last couple of weeks had been ill with colds, flu, bugs (I have never known a winter like it)and the treacherous road conditions of snow and ice, all our guests made it to the party - 40 in all.

Our daughter Jane organised and planned everything and she and our son Peter ( with a little help from a couple of friends) prepared everything on the day. Peter and Jane also paid for all of it. We were also blessed to have the on-line food delivery arrive on time as due to the weather there were cancellations.So thank you so much Jane and Peter - you are stars!

Having decorated the house the food preparation began. As guests arrived there were delicious minature finger foods like Brie and Cranberry Filo parcels, Beef Wellingtons, Shepherds Pies and more. The main meal was a delicious buffet followed by minature deserts. Chocolate cups filled with various creams and fresh fruits, Pastry Spoons filled with same, and Cranberry, Almond and Fruit tarts. Later in the evening there was Champagne and Wedding cake.

Oliver who had never stayed up late before thoroughly enjoyed himself being the 'doorman', opening the front door for each guest. As each group of guests arrived he would run to me and say 'Grandma, you have more friends' which eventually turned into 'Grandma, you have lots of friends'. After the speeches there were lots of 'fire cracker poppers' after which Oliver came to me with some concern and said, 'Grandma, the people have made a big mess'. Eleven PM found him with a dustpan and brush having great fun clearing some of it up.

We received some nice presents (not something we had expected)but will mention just two. A number of local friends had collected together and gave us a voucher to stay in our favourite hotel on the beach in Aldeburgh. Looking forward to going sometime in the Spring as at present the whole place is being refurbished so that is an added bonus. We also received a voucher for high tea for two at a very nice Christian restaurant in the countryside. Another fun gift was a 'Golden Wedding' rose bush.

Here we are attempting to cut the cake alongside photos of our original wedding cake and our 40th anniversary cake.

Alan seen here giving his speech

I'm recounting how I first met Alan and how we spent our first year on a ship at sea, to the amusement of everyone

The toast

The card I made for Alan

The following day we had our House Church Christmas party followed by Carol Singing in the neighbourhood (last post) then as the snow began to thaw we had a very heavy overnight frost and we woke to a frozen wonderland seen here in the garden.

I had thought that our time between our anniversary and Christmas was going to be quite quiet and uneventful but that was not so. As the weather deteriorated even further it made everything an effort and there were elderly neighbours to help out. There was so much disruption everywhere. Shopping entailed long queues to get into car parks and then difficulty finding a space followed by slipping and sliding everywhere. Yesterday we had torrential rain which froze immediately it hit the ground so it felt like we were walking on an ice rink. Snow is nice but a mixture of snow, frost and ice and rain is not. The authorities did their best but the weather kept catching up with them. I also found it difficult to get into the Christmas mode having been so taken up with our anniversary. My tree did not go up until last evening, the 23rd.

Frost has a completely different look to the snow

Shrubs outlined in frost

Nearly there. Looking forward to having our son spend Christmas Day and Boxing Day when Jane and family will be joining us too. It's her in-laws turn for Christmas Day this year. I'll take the opportunity to wish all my readers and blogging friends a Very Happy Christmas and a Very Blessed New Year. I'm planning to visit everyone over the holidays.


  1. I'm there with you in thought and enjoyed the photos of your Golden Anniversary celebration. Wishing you a truly lovely Christmas Day and Boxing Day with your family.

  2. What an absolutely lovely party you all had. I'm happy at least that the weather held up for that. Freezing rain and ice are so terrible. I keep some ice melt in a container inside my door during the winter as we've had some days you couldn't even step out the door it was so icy. I hope your Christmas is a wonderful one. We don't celebrate Boxing Day here but might as well as the visiting and celebrating keeps on through New Years it seems.

  3. Happy 50th to you and your husband!

    I wish you the merriest of Christmases!

  4. It's wonderful so many got to join you in celebrating this anniversary. Congratulations again, and Merry Christmas!

  5. Loved the photos Barbara. I am thinking it has been maybe 18 years since I last saw you both, and you both look so well and healthy. Glad you enjoyed your 50th. Have a wonderful Christmas and Boxing day! No Boxing day here of course :(

  6. It all looks lovely and delightful.
    Happy Anniversary & Merry Christmas.

  7. A very Merry Christmas to you and family.
    Hugs Patsy

  8. What a splendid celebration. What a magnificent accomplishment and smiles right up deep into your eyes. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones,

  9. What a wonderful anniversary celebration! Thank you for sharing it with us. And, again, congratulations for fifty years! God has been good and blessed you two and I pray He will give you many more years filled with His best.

    Your tree is beautiful. Have a very merry Christmas, my friend, and a special time with those you hold dear to your heart.

  10. Congratulations, Barbara! Indeed, you have much to celebrate! God is good!

    The pictures are lovely! Beautiful tree! Love the snow and frost!

    Merry Christmas to you and your husband!


  11. It is a real blessing to celebrate a Golden Wedding Anniversary. I remember reading your story of spending a year on a boat. We were engaged 50 years ago today and our anniversary is April 23. We renewed our vows at 25 anniversary but HH not this time. No more standing up in front of the church feeling old. Well anyway. We are blessing. All the Blessings of Christmas.

  12. Lovely celebration!
    Thank you for sharing this wonderful Anniversary.
    It looks like you all had a great time.
    God richly bless you and may you have a Merry and BLESSED Christmas,
    d from Kansas

  13. Oh Barbara, "Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary" to you and your hubby. How wonderful, you both look fantastic. I enjoyed viewing your photos of the party...too sweet for words.

    Merry Christmas and enjoy your day tomorrow!!

  14. Barbara

    Merry Christmas!

    Thanks for sharing the picures of your special day. It's nice to be with friends and family who love and care so much for us.
    I love your Christmas tree-:)

    Tracy :)

  15. Thanks for sharing... Congratulations and a very Happy Christmas!

  16. Congratulations on your anniversary. All your photos are lovely, thankyou for sharing.

  17. What a turn out! Congradulations to you both. That is a lot of years together, Fabulous,
    Those Children are a dream come true. I should have had two children. Happy with one, but it would have been nice. The food sounded delish, and you both look so happy.Your Christmas tree looks lovely.
    Happy everything !!! wish you the best,

  18. Looks like a great time was had by all! Happy 50th Anniversary, a milestone one by any standards!
    We have been having the same weather here and it was not conducive to christmas shopping etc. looking forward to some milder weather!kathleen @ TALESFROMAGARDEN.BLOGSPOT.COM

  19. What a wonderful anniversary party you had! I enjoyed sharing it with you.

    Stay safe. I hope you can just remain at home until the weather warms up.

    Merry Christmas to you and Alan!

  20. You two are the most adorable couple...Happy 50 years! What a lovely party and I got a kick out of reading all of Oliver's quips. Too cute.

    So sorry that the weather has been so rotten and hope that it improves for the remainder of the season.

    Hope that your Christmas was lovely and I know that you celebrate Jesus every day. God bless...

    so sorry not to have written soon to join in the celebrations for this momentous event!
    The party sounds wonderful.
    All credit to you for having super children ( and grandchildren...!)
    Loved the garden photos of curse, snow and frost both.

    Hope you had a lovely Christmas.
    We were up with out son and his family. Henry aged 4 days and rather on the tiddly side ( small not drunk!) joy mixed with great exhaustion.
    I need not tell you this!

    Conratulations again to you and Alan.

  22. error

    'of course' for of curse!!!

  23. Congratulations on your 50th anniversary! It looks like a most special celebration.

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family!

  24. What a special day and good times. I enjoyed viewing the pictures of your party and Christmas decor.

    Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

  25. Oh Barbara, such golden moments and memories for you both! Congratulations and may the Lord richly bless you this year. What an example your marriage is to us who are seeking to have marriages centered on the Lord. We celebrated 23 years the day after yours. I pray that we will both be around for 50, unless of course Jesus decides to return before then! Blessings to you both...

  26. CONGRATULATIONS...!!! few couples nowadays arrive together so long...50 years!!!. Big party as the one you had deserve this celebration. I hope one day you will tell us something about the year you spent together on the sea...!!!.

  27. Barbara,
    Thank you for coming by...Congratulations to you and Alan on your marriage of 50 years. In our day that's a monumental accomplishment. The pictures make me feel a part of your celebration. Again I think you are one of the bravest women I know...spending time on the high seas in your early marriage.

    Edward and I will, Lord willing, celebrate 50 years on June 19, 2010.

    My prayer for you and Alan is that God will bless you with His richest blessings in the coming year...Betty

  28. Oh, it looks like you had a lovely time - congratulations!!! What a cake - no wonder you are still eating it. You must be very special friends after 50 years together!

    Your tree is gorgeous too!!!

  29. What an accomplishment and reason to celebrate. Wow, 50 yrs, that is fantastic! What a fun party, I would have flown over for that one!

  30. What a lovely celebration of your marriage. The photos of friends and family are such a revelation of the joy there!

  31. I so enjoyed reading about your special day. You are are such a beautiful, delightful looking couple. I wish you many, many more healthy, happy years together. Such a wonderful milestone you have reached.

  32. Firstly congratulations on your Golden Wedding Aniversary. Next Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    I've just been reading a little catching up- what an adventurous married life. I had a couple of weeks in a Hoseasons' boat on the Broads and I was so ready for the one night in a hotel with a real bath in New Market on the way home. How you did months with rough seas too is a real testament to your niceness. :-)

  33. Glory to our Lord from Romania !!!!
    Please read the blog - My heart His words -at archive at november ,Humbled and Convicted .
    my friend Tammy Nischan wrote the story of some kids and we fight for them to help this kids .

    I LOVE YOU BLOG , i`m praying that our GOD to give you one blessed life !!
    Happy new year and all the best in all what you doing ,my friend !!!

    and you alls of you wich want to read areal story of life and how i founded the LORD of my life you can look at the blog !

    sweet blessings ,


  34. Just wandered into your garden and felt I'd visited you in person. I feel your life echoes mine...... an exciting youth followed by a tranquil old age! Who could ask for anything more?

  35. Congratulations Barbara @ Alan on your 50th wedding anniversary... what an achievement may 2010 be enriched with many blessings for you both. Marion @ John

  36. May I say, a little late, happy anniversary; what a lovely couple you two are!


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