Sunday 12 July 2009

Back From Holiday

Back from spending a week in this chocolate box thatched cottage built in the 15th century in the village of Hilmarton in Wiltshire.
I do so appreciate all the comments left while I have been away and will be back with you all soon.
There will be many posts on this lovely village and all the many places we visited when I am able to sort through the 550 photographs that I took during the week. Obviously I will not be posting them all but I will certainly be posting on some delightful places. Gone are the days when one just comes home and deals with the laundry etc. Now it's almost 200 E-mails to be gone through too. Does this electronic world make life easier I wonder, maybe not but it is fun.
As our trip was only a two and a half hour drive from home and we were passing Janie's city, we spent the day with the Grand children on the way and with involvement in a BBQ that trustees are organising for the team at Pilgrims Hall tomorrow, it will probably be the middle of the week before I get to posting. Hope everyone has a good week.


  1. I agree with the list of e-mails being long. But think, if no one had sent any e-mail. One of my friends sets her e-mail to turn them away. I don't really want to know how. I will enjoy any photos you share with us and I know it will be hard to pick. Just make sure you enjoy doing it. That is what counts, I think.

  2. Welcome home. I will look forward to reading and seeing all the interesting places and things about the trip.

  3. Welcome back. That looks like a lovely jigsaw puzzle picture, so pretty.

    Look forward to seeing your pictures.

  4. Welcome back home! Looking forward to your photos of that wonderful little thatched cottage.

  5. Welcome home Barbara. I know we will all be looking forward to see your exciting trip reports.

  6. Can't wait to hear about your trip and more about this delightful looking cottage.

    Welcome home!!! Take time, unwind, get caught up and then please, blog away!

  7. Yes, welcome home and sort through the pictures soonest!
    I'm sure there will be many to delight us.

  8. Yes, it's interesting all the many things that one must do after being away. Two hundred emails? Yikes! You're a popular gal.

    Don't you just know that I had to take a closer look at the thatched roof. We are quite taken by the design and all that goes into them. I'd love to watch one being done.

    Looking forward to your photos whenever you are able to sort through them all.

  9. This had to have been an awesome experience and I will be so glad to see what pics you post along with what you want to share with us in Blogland.


  10. What a lovely place. Wiltshire is one of my favourite counties. Looking forward to seeing more.

    I'm having a small 300th post giveaway, if you'd like to take a look.

  11. Looks lovely. Looking forward to your holiday posts :)

  12. I'm glad you had a good time - it is a lovely part of England - the cottage is beautiful!
    Welcome home!

  13. Welcome back. Can't wait to see the pics. That house looks so cute.


  14. Welcome home Barbara. I'm back too now. I know what you mean about the emails etc. Isn't it nice to have your own bed back with your own pot of tea and rose bubble bath.

    Wiltshire looks so beautiful. I'm sure I will love what you share of it.

  15. The cottage looks quite charming and I'll be interested to see more, when you have the time.

    Welcome back. I can just picture you and Alan having your afternoon tea in between loads of laundry and hanging out the wash! Don't work too hard now that you are home again.

  16. Hi dear Barbara,
    Lovely to hear that you had a great holiday. And the picture of the cottage is so pretty! Looking forward to see more!
    LOts of love,

  17. What a lovely looking cottage. And those wonderful roses, yumm. I cant wait to see more photos from your trip. There is something so lovely about an english garden.

  18. What a beautiful cottage to have a relaxing time in. I've just skimmed through your photos of Castle Combe after finding your blog (I think it was through Marion's blog), and I can't wait to go back and read all about it.


I do appreciate your comments very much - they enhance my day. Thank You.