Monday 29 June 2009

The Gardens of the Rose

Last week, along with daughter Janie, Oliver and Rebekah, we visited the Gardens of the Rose. I had been before some years ago, but Janie had not which was surprising as she loves gardening and roses and this garden is very close to her home.

Apart from the individual rose beds there are a series of archways circling the 3 ponds in the middle of the garden. It is a quiet and peaceful place where one can just sit and listen to the splashing of the fountains while surrounded by the perfume from the roses.

Recently there has been built a Butterfly Garden with many different themed gardens in a modern style right next door. This is being developed as a place for children's activities too. It is called Futures Garden and the large ant that is shown here in one of the photos is where the gardens meet. I can see that this will be a fun and informative place eventually to take families but I do hope it does not impinge on the tranquility of the rose gardens.

We began with lunch in the tearooms before strolling and sitting as the fancy took us. Come round with us and enjoy.

How much is that doggy in the window? Quietly watching while it's owner took payment and issued tickets.
We are off the day after tomorrow (Friday) for a weeks holiday, staying in a tiny and quaint 16th century, thatched roofed cottage. Only two and a half hours from home, but an area with pretty villages and a number of National Trust places to visit. So this will be my last post until we return.
Fortunately the heatwave is apparently going to die down at the weekend. Can't say that I am sorry as 90 degrees plus heat rather cramps one's style. Have a great week everyone.
Oh, and you can see my new Grand daughter at 10 weeks here


  1. That looks enchanting, please can you tell me where it is and if there is a website for it?

  2. Absolutely stunning, Barbara! Looks like the roses are just peaking. The arbors and the lavender-lined path are so inviting. Enjoy your holiday!

  3. Wish that I could have seen all those roses. LOVE the spider! I'd like that in my garden.

    Have a great holiday.

  4. Barbara, May you have a wonderful Holiday. This place sounds like such a great place to visit, relax and rest at! I would love to see it. Perhaps you'll share some pictures with us later.

    These pictures of the Rose Gardens are gorgeous. The fragrance must have been so pleasingly sweet.

    Thank you for saying you'd offer advice for when I plant lavender on my property. I greatly appreciate this. I have a sunny square plot of ground by our garage that I'm leaning towards using.

    Now, I'm off to view pictures of your sweet Grand-daughter.
    Blessings to you,

  5. Roses take me away! You know, my maiden name is Rose...the Roses from Scotland.

    Thank you for sharing your lovely day!

  6. What a lovely place (reminds me of Mottisfont Abbey) and so sweet that you can spend the day with your grandchildren.

    Enjoy your holiday!

  7. What a lovely place (reminds me of Mottisfont Abbey) and so sweet that you can spend the day with your grandchildren.

    Enjoy your holiday!

  8. How beautiful those roses are I enlarged the archway and see that they have intermingled honeysuckle wit the roses, the perfume must be lovely.
    Have a very nice trip!

  9. Very nice and is that a giant ant I spy??? I don't like them at the minute - far too many around!!

    Enjoy your holiday Barbara - you don't say where you are going but I am sure we will see photos on your return - I do hope it isn't too wet - but you're right - it is a bit much - this heat!!

  10. What a wonderful garden. I love the rose arches. There is something so peraceful about the sound of water and the scent of roses. Beautiful.

    Have a great hols. I am between mine for a couple of days catching up.

  11. Lovely photo's and a beautiful grandaughter!

  12. Utterly breathtaking. Oh the perfume!

    I could live out the rest of my life in this garden I think.

  13. Lovely gardens, I can just picture myself strolling ever so slowly and stopping to smell the roses.

  14. Another fabulous English garden. How do you all do it?

  15. What an enchanting tour..Stunning...The doggie in the window is absolutely precious...enjoy your time away..sounds like an awesome place to stay.
    hugs ~lynne~

  16. The gardens are stunning. It seems your moisture and mild climate really appeals to roses. Mine are toast already. We just had a weekend of 100 + temps. Even the daylilies are fading :(

    How fun the whole family loves roses.
    Your grands are looking adorable.

  17. I followed Janie with Rebekah's birth. She is so beautiful and looks like such a peaceful and content baby. Oliver is getting to be so big and tall and handsome.

    The house Jon and I bought in April has many rose bushes. Some of them do not look well. I have no idea to care for them as I they are one flower and bush I have never been around. I am going to have go to my library and check a book out on the care of roses. I suppose I was considering uprooting them and planting things I know how to tend. This post has made me choose to study them a bit and see what I can do to keep them.

    Very lovely. I would love to see The Gardens of the Rose someday.

  18. Oh, how gorgeous! I do love those curving arbors covered with roses. I can just imagine how lovely the whole place must have smelled with all those roses in bloom.

  19. How very lovely what a super place to spend the day.

  20. I can just imagine the smell of those gorgeous roses...I love english gardens though I don't see many down here ;) Love looking at them through your blog!

    I also can't believe how much Oliver has grown and you have a grand-daughter now too! She is just beautiful, congratulations, it's lovely to catch up with you again.

  21. How cute! Little girls are so precious, aren't they?

  22. Hello Barbara... catching up with your blog.
    I just spotted the photo of you in New York - it's a beautiful picture! Also, your grandson is really getting time flies!
    Hope you have a lovely holiday.
    Annie x

  23. How beautiful! I always enjoy my "trip" here. Have a lovely one yourself! Thatched roof cottages just a drive from your home, how delightful!

  24. Hello Dear Barbara......

    I remember the Gardens of the Rose so well, my daughter Julia lived in St. Albans for a few years, so it was a popular place for us to visit when we stayed with her.

    Have a wonderful holiday, your little thatched cottage sounds divine, take lots of pictures please. Marion

  25. Thank you for the comment Barbara, it's so good to find places like that to visit at home.

    If you know of any other UK attractions please let me know.

  26. Absolutely beautiful. I can only imagine the wonderful aroma. Your photography skills are good. Enjoy

  27. Beautiful garden.

    Have fun on your vacation.

    Beautiful granddaughter you have!


  28. What a beautiful place, this Gardens of the Rose. I can smell the wonderful perfume of all the hundred and thousands of blooms. Where is this garden, near London?


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