Saturday 14 June 2008

My Garden and Bloggy Happenings

Well Elizabeth Goudge certainly had an interesting response. Either people already were aware of her and loved her books or they had not come across her and were going to the library to find her books or search out her books by some other means. Made me think I need to get to Amazon quick in case they all sell out! No, just joking.
On another note, I keep saying how fun and interesting this world of blogging can be and to that end I had another interesting meeting this week. Barbara Jacksier of
The Book Blog arranged a party recently in her home town in the USA for the birthday of her 90 year old Mother and one of the guests (a cousin) was reading my blog while she was there. She lives in England and it turned out she lived only about 20 miles from me so she asked if we could meet when she arrived back home. We met this week when I went to her home to visit with her.
Now if that is exciting, I am at this moment awaiting the arrival in my home today, of a bloggy friend from California, so watch this space - all will be revealed.
While we are waiting, let's take a walk around the garden, first seen here looking through the window from my back sitting room. A bit blurry through the double glazing and a window that needs cleaning.

Herb border


  1. Wow. It's coming on very fast. Mine is not so lush, but then I don't really tend it enough. Blessings.

  2. Your garden is so lush, so lovely.
    You can see God's glory in your garden.

    With blogging it is a small world.
    How nice for you to meet someone who lives so close by.

    Have a blessed weekend,

  3. Wow Barbara, It looks like paradise out there! Beautiful…pristine, lush, lush plants.

    There is a garden party taking place June 21, hosted by Cielo.
    You might want to join us, so many can see your lovely gardens. Check out my sidebar for details.

  4. You're a brilliant gardener! I just love all the beautiful flowers and plants you have.

  5. Your garden must bring you such joy. It's lovely so see through your beautiful photos. I'm anxious to see who you're meeting from CA!

  6. Your garden is looking wonderful for midsummer night.
    I have guessed that your visitor will be Linda/Willow.
    I hope you have a wonderful meeting.
    All best wishes

  7. Ive just been catching up with your blog Barbara, ive been hunting for Elizabeth Goudge books in the charity shops for months now, ever since i came across Saras blog. Still not found any but now im really inspired to just buy one off Ebay and get reading. My favorite author of the moment is Khaled Housaini - i just read both of his novels and they were the best novels ive ever read. i strongly recommend him and i hope to be blogging about him later in the week.

    I hope youve enjoyed meeting your blogging friends, let us know how it went!

    Lindsay XX

  8. What beautiful blooms Barbara. June is such a wonderful month in the garden. You are so lucky meeting more blogging friends. I hope the meetings go well.

  9. Gorgeous garden photos.
    How nice to hear of all the interest in Elizabeth Goudge. Such a womderful writer, I treasure my copies of her books.

  10. Looks beautiful! Do you have a dog? I see a reflection of something in the window...

    I'd keel over with joy to have such an herb row!

    Looking forward to hearing more about your "mystery" guest. What fun to meet someone who had read your blog in the States, but who lives 20 minutes away. Life is stranger than fiction.

    I'm looking for E.G. at Abe books.

  11. I love the garden!


  12. Hahahaha...I'm just getting the biggest kick out of mistaking a reflection of a flower for a pet. No wonder you're accusing me of drinking!

  13. As beautiful as ever. There is something about creation that makes me stop and reflect. Now, that i've been "stopped" whether I like it or not during this recovery time, I can see beauty I haven't had time to see before.

  14. Isn't blogging interesting? It has certainly changed my life. I have so many friends I haven't met face to face. Your garden is looking wonderful.

  15. I bet your Californian visitor was totally bowled over by the delights of your garden, as well as the pleasure of meeting you in the real world.
    I just noticed you're in North East London,which is where I grew up - in Highams Park. Mum is still there, so maybe we can meet when I'm there sometime.

  16. Wow Barbara - your garden is simply bursting with beauty! And you have some unusual plants too, and so many roses. I love the way the path bends out of sight beyond the tree too. It's all so very pretty.

    Do I spy anise/fennel in that last shot? That green feathery plant looks a lot like what grows wild here in California...

  17. Barbara, these photos are lovely, as ever....and as for Elizabeth Goudge, I am now officially determined to get my hands on one of her books by the weekend! I am almost finished reading my Barbara Pym novel...

  18. I'm delighted you ladies got to meet. Now, if Rita would only get a computer!

    Hopefully, I will get to visit with you one day in the not to far future.


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