Sunday 30 September 2007

The Season has finished and the Rain is coming

Wednesday we drove down to Leigh-on-Sea for the day
Based ourselves at our friends home as they were away again
Once I had had my charity/thrift shop fix we spent the rest of the day walking
I like the atmosphere at this time of year
Everything seems deserted and ready for the Winter sleep
In the afternoon we walked further along the Thames Estuary
The weather was a little stormy which gave me the opportunity to take some
photos of very interesting skies. I just love skies and
Wednesdays skies did not disappoint me.
We also managed to walk in between the showers so did not get wet.
So come with me and enjoy the peace and tranquility

This is an old tram used as extra storage space in the gift shop
My husband in the background practicing his German on some German tourists
He was very pleased that they thought he was German

All those changing skies were snapped within the space of 20 minutes


  1. My hubby would be in heaven seeing all the boats, both the in-the-water real ones and the boat models. Great photos.

  2. Gorgeous photos Barbara! I love the sea and the sky and never tire of seeing it. The tram within the gift shop is a really unique touch!

  3. Hi Barbara

    I feel so refreshed from my walk by the is so beautiful and so peaceful.

    Marie x

  4. I can smell the sea and feel the cold wind and a rain drop of two! I just LOVE stormy skies (and don't get to see them much where I live); thanks so much for sharing these. That last one is so fantastic with the shining water against the dark clouds that I saved it as one of my rotating desktop pictures on my computer.

  5. Barbara, those shots up and down the shoreline with the colorful shacks are gorgeous - they look like something out of a magazine.

  6. Thanks for sharing your wonderful September day getaway. I enjoyed seeing the walkway along the beach and the boats make a great photo, full of color. The sheds, or houses, or big boxes---what exactly are they? Beach houses?

  7. These was a great day by the sea!
    I also love the sea in autumn and winter very much. Long walks along the beach ... *dream*

  8. Beautiful shots as always. So nice you "get away" like that for a day or so.

  9. What lovely photos of the sky, especially liked the picture of the beach huts.

    We have just come back from Turkey after a sailing holiday, and have just finished the posting.


  10. Barbara,
    Leigh-On-Sea is such a picturesque vicinity. The scenery is candy to the eyes.

    The blue skies have really been of interest to me these last few weeks. The different shades of blue with the clouds are so pretty. In past years, I painted and skies and clouds were such an important part of the painting......

    Thanks for the visit.....Betty

  11. Wow! Gorgeous pics. (as usual Barbara:-)


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