Thursday 27 September 2007

Lower Slaughter, The Cotswolds Pt 3

Lower Slaughter is one of my favourite villages in The Cotswolds.
There is not a gift shop or cafe to be seen.
Both the gift shop and tearooms are hidden behind the water mill. In fact they are part of the old water mill.
Here are a few of my photos so that you can stroll around it with me.
Keep coming back and in the end you will feel you know The Cotswolds.


  1. Every time you post the pictures, I say to myself, "I love, love, love English villages!" Honestly, is it possible to do a walking tour of the Cotswolds? I want to walk every lane, cross every foot bridge, visit every tea shop! And thanks for the invite! I'll let you know!

  2. Hello Barbara

    What a beautiful village. I have been to the Cotswolds years ago, but have never been there. Now I feel quite homesick...

    Marie x

  3. What a beautiful village! Thank you for sharing --- I wish I could be there RIGHT NOW!


  4. Barbara, there you go again, making me want to walk around with you on your interesting excursions....Betty

  5. How very lovely indeed.

  6. Thank you so much for that lovely trip to the Cotswolds, every photo is a postcard. I must put that on my list of "things to do".


  7. It's always a treat to visit your blog!

  8. I feel that I have been so many places and seen so many beautiful thing in visiting your blog and for that I thank you. I loved the photos. I know that I will never see these places in person but I am not sure that through your eyes is not even better. connie from texas

  9. It sounds and looks like you had a wonderful trip to the Cotswolds. The photos are lovely and make me want to tour around the country towns in England once again.

  10. Good Morning Barbara....
    As usual, wonderful pictures. Yes, I quite agree, Lower Slaughter is an exquisite little village. I have many fond memories of visits here and also pictures taken of the children by the water mill and on the little wooden footbridge bridge crossing the river. Thanks so much for sharing. Marion

  11. I have been enjoying the tour. Having been to this enchanted land, I still have a hard time believing it is real.


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