Wednesday 25 April 2007

I've Won

I did not intend to spend so much time blogging today, but it happened. What with posting and then being tagged and then winning a beautiful handmade notebook from a fellow blogging friend Thank you Isobel.

I just said to my husband, "feels like I have wasted most of my day blogging" You know what he said? "Why not if you enjoy it". So, there you go, I only have my own conscience to contend with.


  1. Congratulations, Barbara! I was just looking at the photos of your lovely garden and noticed we have many of the same plants - photinia, ceonothus, weigela and of course, English ivy. My garden isn't as mature as yours since we moved here just 5 years ago and have totally redone the landscaping - no, we DID the landscaping. There was nothing but grass and weeds when we moved in.

  2. I love your husband's comment. It's the same one mine always says :)


I do appreciate your comments very much - they enhance my day. Thank You.