Wednesday 25 April 2007

Change of Template

Hope I am not confusing my regular visitors but I am trying a change of template. I was finding that some colours were not standing out in my last template so thought I would try this one. There does seem to be more contrast. What does everyone think.


  1. I like it very much! I changed mine today too. Redocorating for free, you can't go wrong!

  2. I like the new look. It is fun to play around with new ones isn't it? Like trying on a outfit.

    I had to go far down to catch up on the blogging you did recently. I love that your husband encourages your blogging. That is wonderful. And so much fun.

    The blooms on all the flowers and shrubs are so beautiful. Oh, I wish I could take a walk in your garden and have a cup of tea with you there. We could sure have some fun talks of Jesus and His lovely world.

    I have to tell you that I enjoyed seeing your clock. It is fun to see what time it is there. I'll tell you that right now I hope you are sound asleep as it is coming up on 2:00 a.m. for you. Sweet dreams :)

  3. I like it. I prefer the ones that are easier to read. Isn't it wonderful to have such supportive husbands. Mine has been great about my participation. It really delights him to see me so excited over something new and TECHNICAL (well my little bit of technical- he he).


I do appreciate your comments very much - they enhance my day. Thank You.