Saturday 24 February 2007

Time for tea

Having partially run down my freezer in order to defrost it, I am now needing to replenish it. I like to bake in batches and freeze what we are not immediately using. So today I have begun that process with a little baking. I made 30 Date Scones and 30 Butterscotch Chip Cookies.

I just love dates and am inclined to put them into many things. These scones are so light. I always use butter in baking and not margarine and for scones I use Creme Fraiche instead of milk. I got to thinking some years ago how the best scones when I was a child were made from sour milk. In the days before refrigerators in the home it was a good use of the sour milk and especially during the war, nobody wanted to waste anything. As I have no inclination to keep milk hanging around until it goes sour I figured that Creme Fraiche would be the nearest thing. Makes great scones.

These Butterscotch Chip Cookies are delicious and especially if you have a sweet tooth like me. They are made from a Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe, substituting the Butterscotch Chips for Chocolate Chips. Unfortunately it has not yet been possible to buy these chips in England. I have to wait until someone is going to, or coming over from the States. They are a delicious texture, light and very crumbly, again made with butter. I hope you enjoyed your tea with me today!!


  1. I am not much of a baker, so tea with you doing the baking was lovely!

  2. Hello Barbara thanks for visiting Willow House, it's so nice to meet Janie's Mum. Just had a quick look through your blog and found some timely advice, I had forgotten all about the clematis. So now I have no excuse for not pruning, actually I want to try and move a Nelly Moser so maybe I should be doing that as well.
    PS I'm a book addict too.

  3. That baking all looks delicious. I don't seem to have time to bake as much as I used to. Thanks for visiting my blog. I've been reading Jane's blog for a few weeks now so it's nice to meet her Mum.

  4. Your tablecloth is precious! I'll be glad to be your butterscotch chip connection, just let me know and I'll package some up and get them over to you :)There are also peanut butter chips and toffee ones.

  5. Your table setting looks so pretty and those treats,They just look so scrumptious. I can almost smell them baking now. Okay, now I'm hungry, I'll have to peek in my pantry to see if I have enough flour to bake some cookies. Thank you for the inspiration...and craving :)


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