Monday 26 February 2007

Spring Cleaning Here I Come!

Not as worthy as the title sounds - I have begun, but that is about all. I have begun to sort, clear and spring-clean. After less than an hour I am looking for homes for excess baggage, namely at the moment a keyboard and mouse, a 15" flat screen Monitor, a tape to tape cassette deck, an electric chopper and a blowup mattress. Not to mention a collection of blue bottles, not the flying kind, and a camera that has not been used since we went digital.

Have found homes for the matress and flat screen monitor and as for the rest my husband was last seen struggling with 2 heavy bags to the charity shop. If I continue like this I will have room in my house. Thinking about it, I actually began last week, without even realising it with several bags of jumpers and cardigans going to the charity shop.

So having begun I will be chipping away at the task whenever the fancy takes me over the coming months. If I continue blogging and reading blogs, the months may turn into years!

I did come across one little thing that I do not want to part with as I think it is cute. (pictured here). It is a brooch bought somewhere in the mountains of Tennessee. It is made up of matchsticks and dressed like people from around the world. Very clever. Sorry it is a little bit blurred but as it is so small I was seeing how close I could get with the camera. On second thoughts I should have just taken it and chopped it on the computer.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! The mountains of Tennessee are practically in my backyard! It is a place that we always go for weekend getaways...the hair clip looks very familiar too.


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