Saturday 2 September 2017

First Day of September in the Garden

Took these rose photographs a week ago and after nearly 4 months of constant dead heading I slipped into my usual late August boredom with the garden. 

We still have a lot to do in the shrub clearing before the winter

It's also Lavender harvesting time
I have 16 shrubs but this is the one I find the most aromatic for Lavender bags for my wardrobes

The fish are still very active

and there are still plenty of roses to bring indoors in spite of the fact that they make my eyes water and throat croaky!

Midnight last night I was taken with the delicateness of these in the kitchen before bed

and lastly I hardly ever miss taking a picture of beautiful sunsets


  1. I can smell those roses Barbara! They are lovely. I've never had much success with any flowers in our garden as it's virtually solid clay. I have the odd rose bush but they struggle.

    Same problem with lavender even the ones I grew in tubs haven't survived the winters here in the north. I have to make do with lavender oil for the sachets n the wardrobes. You must have very good soil.

    Hope you are both keeping well. God bless.

  2. The roses are so pretty. I, too, tire of them by the end of the season, but miss them when I cut them back.

  3. My roses are finishing now, with a few blooms here and there.

  4. Your roses are beautiful and so is the sunset.

  5. My nose should like to be stuck in one of those lovely roses!

  6. Yes, you do have so many beautiful rose bushes to dead head. Magnificent. Garden roses are always so lovely compared to others.

  7. Oh my!What a wonderful garden!Stunning roses!!!Hugs,Barbara!Blessings!Maristella.

  8. Just gorgeous... my favorites are the ones that are the same colors as in the sunset: pink, yellow, orangy pink, creamy white. Just such a beautiful yard full of God's glory!! Thanks for sharing the photos. :)


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