Thursday 8 June 2017

Different Faces of Early Summer and Sudden Impulse in the Garden

It's calmer now, but where's the sun?

 Being watched

Having said that I would not be removing any more shrubs from my garden last year, on sudden impulse having pruned the back of these shrubs in order to be able to trim the the Eunonymous on the fence, I decided that there was still too much work involved in maintaining the garden as it was.
I there and then decided to remove all but the Dogwoods from this area and in their place plant more Dogwoods that were easy to maintain. Will work on this through the Summer with Alan's help and our son will dig out the roots when we get to that stage. 

So there and then began

Before I could do anymore the weather changed which was just as well as the Sciatica certainly did not like it!

We had severe wind which the roses did not like

Nor some of the trees

and torrential rain 

Before it settled down and I enjoyed these contrasts in colour

I'll sign out with Love amongst the roses and get back to Norfolk posting next.
Thank you to all who visit and comment, so appreciated and I need to catch up on commenting as I do so enjoy visiting my blogging buddies.


  1. My poor roses have been damaged by the wild winds too. Yours are still looking full of flower though.

  2. Your garden is very lovely. WE all seem to be some sort of issues. I deeply regret not planting seeds in my garden last year in the fall. What was I thinking - now I am 1 year behind!

  3. Lovely views out your kitchen window. Your roses are so lovely. Spring weather can be so unpredictable.

  4. What miserable weather!
    It has been very chilly here - but we are expecting a heatwave starting tomorrow!

  5. We've been deluged with a lot of rain here too and windy! Sad to see those lovely roses of yours on the ground. Managing a garden is a lot of work, but a view like yours is worth it.

  6. I had beautiful weather while in England...........what happened!!!
    Writing about my trip NOW........DO pop over Chelsea Flower show should be up tomorrow!

  7. Goodness! That wind and rain! Is this typical for June?! Your yellow roses seem to be doing well, though. Are they David Austins?

  8. Hope the wind and rain weren't too hard on your lovely roses. I'm sure your garden changes are the right thing to do, since you thought they were, and it's your garden. :-) Enjoy calmer sunny weather soon. Best, -Beth

  9. Your garden is looking lovely although it is sad about the roses. We have had the awful winds too, it is not at all like June weather!!

  10. Although the weather wasn't good,your roses are gorgeous especially the yellow ones!Hugs.

  11. So sorry the mighty wind felled the tree! I hope the clearing of your garden progresses as you want even if just a little bit at a time. Remember the turtle won the race :) xx

  12. I am always amazed at your beautiful garden, but sorry about the severe storm. I see you managed to save some of the red roses.


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