Saturday 21 January 2017

January Musings

Well Christmas came and went and I was determined to try and find a way to be able to get photos onto my blog from Windows 10. Hooray I made it, even if it does feel like 'a long way round' moving photos and files around. If I can spend time getting to grips with Windows 10 filing system then it will probably be easier.
When I sit at my computer (and like most I am sure) it's because  have a job to do so I don't get to the 'experimenting'.

Ready for friends to arrive for dinner here

The following photographs were all taken with my phone so not so great.

 Husband Alan 

January 2nd found 50 + of us from church celebrating a friend's 65th birthday. He hosted it at a local Turkish restaurant where we took over the whole of one half of the place.
The birthday boy is third from the left here so he is now a fully fledged Pensioner.
As Alan was saying, it's 20 years since he became a 'pensioner' - where does the time go?

Walking back from the park on Boxing Day I managed to get a photo of Bekah with her Uncle Peter, my son.

Well life moves on and so much seems to happen in a short time.  Daughter Jane has just returned from business meetings in Denver, USA and Peter just returned from a couple of weeks in Africa, this time Ghana, Benin and Togo. Cat feeding over again for a few months!


  1. Blessings from across the pond! Glad I could pop in to see what you have been up to.
    All the best,

  2. I remember trying to find my way around a new operating system, it's so frustrating !
    However, you seemed to have mastered it, and happy to see you are posting and adding pictures to share :)
    Lucky dinner guests table set and a delicious cake waiting, what could be nicer.
    Lovely photos of your family and friends.

  3. I sometimes wish I had never changed to Windows 10, not easy.

  4. I never have found windows ten to bad to get around. Of course I do get on here and poke around a lot to learn. I also sometimes quickly forget what I learned! Loved the pictures too!

  5. I hated Windows 10 and finally took it off. I'll wait for the next one!

  6. I always enjoy seeing what you've been up to. Glad the photos and computer things got sorted. The birthday party looks like it was a lot of fun. Sweet photo of your son and his niece.

  7. Alan looks so handsome and I knew that Bekah and her Uncle Peter have a happy friendship. Proof!

  8. I am sticking with Windows 8.1 for now. It has it's quirks but it hasn't messed with my filing system, that would really do my head in.

    Your house looks lovely all decked for dinner with friends :-)

  9. Sweet photo of Bekah with your son. :)


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