Sunday 27 November 2016

Patterns and Shapes in London

Just a few of many Shapes and Patterns in London
Thanks again to my son Peter


  1. Great graphic photos, Barbara. How are you feeling?

  2. Tell you son, GREAT pictures! Sometimes, we're so busy looking at the "big picture" that we miss all the interesting details like these. I especially love the one with the blue balconies.

  3. What a great variety of shapes and patterns. Your son has a good eye. My favourite is the one with the three pigeons sitting on a railing.

  4. Your son has taken great pictures. He seems to have a good eye for getting the special details of the subject.
    Very Nice.

  5. What a photographer's eye he has! Those are pictures that I would never think to capture. He has done it interestingly and well.


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