Friday 4 March 2016

Wymondham, Norfolk Part 1

At last I have got to post on Wymondham, an interesting town we pass on our way home from our cottage holiday in Norfolk last October.
We spend most of the day here as we are not too far from home.

The Market Square

Taking random pictures as we wander around and will be spreading them over two posts

It must have been an important town even before the Normans arrived. The parish is one of the largest in Norfolk. The importance continued in Norman times with the establishment of the great Priory (next post), which would have generated much trade for the local people, particularly innkeepers, leather workers and food suppliers.
Wymondham's most famous inhabitant was probably Robert Kett, who in 1549 led a rebellion of peasants and small farmers in protest about the enclosure of common land. With a huge force of almost unarmed men he fought for and held the City of Norwich for six weeks until defeated by the King's forces. He was hanged from Norwich Castle, and his brother William from the Abbey west tower. 

Market Street has many little alleys off it

Becket's chapel was founded in 1174 by William d'Albini, son of the founder of the Abbey. After the dissolution it fell into disrepair but in 1559 it was converted for use as a Grammar School. It has had many uses since but since 2009 it has been used as the town's Arts Centre.

We have been wondering where to have lunch and have come across The Green Dragon which takes our fancy

This late fifteenth century building, standing next to the Abbey gate, once served as a hostelry for Abbey visitors. It is the oldest inn in the town, and the Tudor shop windows at the front showed that it had other uses in the sixteenth century. 

We have a quick look around before it gets busy
The bar in the opposite corner is tiny but so interesting and I wish I had taken a photo then. However when we returned there were a number of people standing around it and I did not feel free to invade their privacy with my camera.

When we come back later it is very busy

so we decide to eat upstairs where there is some space and only one other table in use

The bar

The food was excellent but it was not as quiet as we had thought. I am sure you have come across it too. A Grandmother and daughter, small child and baby.
The child thought they owned the place and ran around everywhere unchecked, the Grandmother spent her time loudly telling her daughter how she looked after her children, daughter telling Mother in equally loud voice how she looked after hers (both saying they were right) while the baby enjoyed playing with it's food and throwing it every where. From the rest of their conversation it was obvious that they were well educated.   

ships/boats in windows always get my attention

A lot more of interest in this town and will be showing you a little of it in next post.


  1. Thank you for yet another lovely ramble. I love the image of the orange bunches of berries contrasting with the brick wall.

  2. It looks like a fascinating place and one which I would like to visit someday. xoxox

  3. What a darling village and such great photos. I would love to go in that gift shop (the Marmalade one)!

  4. While there is a little white steepled former church building now a store in a town near us, that I see frequently, I still find it rather jolting to see a former church building used as a store or a home or like Becket's chapel now used as an Arts Centre :)

  5. Perhaps well educated, but needing a few lessons in manners. Such people can really make eating out a challenge.

    It looks like such a sweet town. I really like the flowers all on display.

  6. England is chock full of charming villages. The Marmalade shop looks like a fun place to browse.

  7. Thank you for the tour. Lovely place. I too like to wander about and look at different places whenever possible. Great photos. Looking forward to more.

  8. Thank you for the tour around this charming place full of old buildings and references to past times. All the individual shops seem to be interesting places inviting a look inside. The Marmalade Tree caught my eye.

  9. I think I wouldn't mind browsing through the Marmalade. It's always so disappointing when people don't watch after their children and keep them from behaving so poorly. Hope you have a lovely week.

  10. When you post about a village or town, I feel like I have been there with you exploring. What an amazing place.

  11. As always, I enjoyed perusing your photos and walking along with you and Alan through these very English streets, alleys and lanes. So many different details of architecture to look at. I like that one home with a model sailboat in each of three windows. It's too bad, though, about the disruptive children - yes, that happens a lot these days everywhere I guess. I look forward to your next post!

  12. Looks like such a lovely place to take a wander (as you have!) popping in to shop or drink a little something. It's too bad your enjoyment of your food was interrupted by three generations of misbehavior!

    And glad to have you back blogging, Barbara. Hopefully some of your computer woes have been conquered.

  13. Greetings Barbara. I so enjoyed reading your post and learning about this amazing place. I loved seeing the twisting alley ways and the historic buildings. So sorry your lunch was interrupted by unruly children. It always bothers me when I see the mess some children can make in a restaurant. It's always a joy to visit your lovely blog. And, thank you for your kind comments you left on mine. My best to you, Pat xx


I do appreciate your comments very much - they enhance my day. Thank You.