Friday 4 December 2015

Wroxham, Irstead and Neatishead, Norfolk

On the Wednesday of our Norfolk stay in October we decided to do something different to visiting country houses. (more of that later)

We first went to Wroxham which is part of the Norfolk Broads. These broads consist of 188 miles comprising 7 rivers and 63 broads, mostly connecting. 124 square miles are navigable and much used as holiday destinations. 

Considering it was October we were blessed to have another warm and sunny day.

We had a great carvery meal in The Kings Head pub on the waterside

Why I want to photograph a Heron I don't know as we do our best to keep them out of our garden as thgey eat our fish!

We soon decide to drive further up the broad to Irstead where we knew there was a Board Walk down to the water.We find this walkway through the reeds (a pretty long walk in itself) but at the outset did not realise it was about 3 miles away from the car park to a viewing point.

We were nearer the coast and the wind was pretty cool here

Worth it though as we saw these Cormorants  

A beautiful Dragonfly basking in the sun on the way back

Driving through the village of Neatishead on the way back

we passed this community run village store and decided it would be a good place to stop for tea.
These community run stores are quite unusual here and we wanted to give them our custom. 

Also a good opportunity to chat to the locals

Ye Olde Saddlery

The White Horse Inn
Three places visited today so think we need to head back to our cottage. 


  1. Get the feeling I could visit that place myself. And you were so lucky with the weather too! I love community shops, too. Such a good idea.

  2. A lovely place. I just love seeing all those birds.

  3. Had to take a closer look to see what was for lunch. Empty plates, nearly full cup, and a patient gaze from Alan. Then I thought I'd take a closer look at Alan seated outside the Saddlery. Not Alan. = D

  4. A beautiful sunny day for your outing. That's a long board walk - 3 miles. No wonder you were glad to get back to your lodgings. You likely slept very well that night.

  5. It looks like you had a lovely time in Norfolk with sunny weather. It's always good to look back at such outings. Thank you for sharing. I love looking at photos of boats and waterways.

  6. Untill now we have not visited Norfolk yet, but I hope we will in the future. You had a lovely sunny day for that long Board Walk and I love all those birdphotos too. I see so many swans together.
    Have a nice weekend.

  7. This makes me remember the trip I took in London. I went through the locks
    and up a river with beautiful estates and SWANS. I will never forget the swans. Why don't we have them in America?. They had them in Ireland in Sligo.
    They must live in cold climates. Who owns the swans, who feeds the English swans and where do they live? Love the water,wish I could have a swan on our cove.

  8. It is so nice to see blue skies and sunshine, and the swans and other birds certainly seemed to be enjoying the sun's rays too. Alan is looking as handsome as ever. The place names are so interesting; not like anything I've come across on this side of the Atlantic. I enjoyed scrolling through your photos and imagining I was strolling along with you, and having a nice tea in those pretty cups with the blue polkadots.

  9. What a fun outing -- and such very British looking shops! Thanks for letting us tag along. -Beth

  10. Beautiful pictures Barbara. I enjoyed all the sights
    I am imagining how far a boat could go in the waterways. What fun that would be.


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