Saturday 24 October 2015

AYLSHAM, Norfolk

Sunday, the first full day of our holiday we usually take it easy and have a look at the local area.

Aylsham was just over a mile away from our so peaceful cottage.

It is Sunday morning and most places are closed so we are just having a wander round and posting a few photos randomly.

The local Anglian church

The old Bank

The old water pump

A great reflection from the other side of the street behind me

There are people sitting outside this pub having a drink

The Market Square
a parking place when non market days

A bus stop

I'm not sure what I was looking at!

I like these decorative frames outside the shop

Well it's back to the cottage for lunch before a trip to Holt this afternoon (next post)


  1. It looks like a great walk about town. Love the thatched roof on the water pump.

  2. I always enjoy these tours around the pretty villages of England. The frames with the plants outside the shop are very attractive.

  3. Great pictures, Barbara -- what a cute town! I love English shop buildings and pubs; they have so much charm. I hope you enjoy your stay there. :)



  4. Dear Barbara, After seeing all your fabulous posts,
    I am convinced the week in London was missing the real England.
    If I could do it again I would go to some of the beautiful villages
    You have shared with us.
    You are a treasure to England.

  5. Love, Love, Love this post. What a cool little town!!

  6. Were you perhaps looking as high as the potted flowers on the roof above the window? That's what took my eye!

  7. Just a darling village. I too think that you were looking up at the flowers, it looks like a trailing geranium hanging over or was it possibly one of your favorites...a rose.
    I love the brightly painted shop called Lavender Blue...probably a little florist shop or tea place. It is fun to wonder what is inside these little shops.
    Thank you for a great visit to a really cute place.


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