Monday 14 September 2015

Leigh-on-Sea in September

A sunny day forecast so we take a break and drive out to the Estuary (Thames)
We spend the morning wandering around the town (lots of individual and interesting shops and galleries) before a nice lunch of Lasagne, salad and garlic bread.

We then walk down the cliffs
and look out over Two Tree Island where the cliff vegetation is beginning to look very tired b ut left undisturbed for the wildlife

We walk over the bridge across the railway line

and make our way through Old Leigh

where many people are out eating seafood and enjoying the sun

The tide is out since my first photos this morning except for a channel for the fishing boats

Many places to eat

including a tearoom next to a pedestrian bridge over the railway line

We pass a museum

and a smart restaurant with a deck over the water

the Sea Scouts hut

two more Pubs

and finally a great fresh fish outlet

before walking along the waters edge for a mile or so
( somewhere at this stage I put my camera case down while taking photos and did not realise for some time - so double-backing added a bit to our walk but there was my case just where I had left it)

The tide on the Estuary goes out a couple of miles at this point. When my children were young we used to love walking out to a ship wreck and swim in the warm water that had collected in the hollow where the ship was resting

and finally Chalkwell comes into view
Time to begin walking back
I have posted on Leigh many times in the past so thought taking you with me on the walk would be of interest 


  1. You had a beautiful day for your drive and visit.

  2. I see you found my Tea Garden! Thank you for the lovely stroll around the town, and there certainly are many places to eat. I found the restaurant with the plants growing all along the edge of the roof an interesting place. Some of them look a bit familiar, maybe from your previous posts. Glad to see you and Alan enjoying a day out.

  3. Seeing these photos brings back many wonderful memories of one of the best days of our last trip to England. Thanks!

  4. It looks like it was a warm and beautiful day too. Thanks for the tour.

  5. That was a lovely sunny day for a walk along the water. Enjoyed your pictures very much.

  6. What a glorious September day you had. I loved the pictures of the sunlight sparkling on the water. As always, Thank you for sharing !

  7. Thank you for the wonderful tour and the lovely pictures. i could just imagine the scent of the sea and the taste of the seafood.

  8. Thanks for letting me see some of what you saw on your walk, Barbara. This Saylor especially liked seeing the anchors :) I'm glad you were able to retrieve your camera case!

  9. I have a great affection for the Thames Estuary.
    You look to have had a splendid day out - and pretty weather for it.
    Greetings from still very hot New York.

  10. Hi Barbara,
    Thank you for this lovely visit to Leigh-on-Sea. I posted a comment to you quite awhile ago from my Ipad and I guess it has vanished into thin air.
    I absolutely love seeing the pictures of your trips around England.
    This is a lovely seaside village.
    Hoping to make it to England next year.

  11. Such a beautiful place! Lovely photos and your header is beautiful. :)

  12. Dear Barbara, God Bless your marriage of 55 years, that is an accomplishment in these days. I love having seafood outside on a dock with the smell of sea air.
    I live 15 minutes from a working sea village, wouldn't live anywhere else.
    Thanks for the post. yvonne

  13. It's been a month since you posted. I do hope you are okay, just busy.


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